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christie   04-03-2008, 10:26 PM
I just wanted to start up a convo of where people think Tom went when he was taken away?
NickelobLight   04-03-2008, 11:31 PM
Let's see...

Maybe back to the First Age? How funny would it be if FPW writes a series of First Age novels starring Tom, who's reminiscent of Ash in Army of Darkness?

Straight into the Otherness? Like the hole that opened up in the ground in Conspiracies?

Maybe in another moment in time, like slightly ahead of or behind us in time? Something like Stephen King's The Langoliers.

Maybe it transformed him into another lifeform? It would certainly hide one from one's enemies if one were turned into, say, a centipede.

Maybe fpw isn't too sure, and is just hoping we'll all forget about it and he can brush that plot point under the rug? Big Grin

Speculate away, folks.

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. -H.L. Mencken

Let not thy will roar when thy power can but whisper. -Dr. Thomas Fuller (1654-1734), Gnomologia, 1732

[Image: dfb17bf94b00b1e2eb_5.jpg] [Image: s_logo_tampa.gif]
christie   04-04-2008, 08:02 AM
I was thinking about into the otherness too but how aweful would that be? For once in his life he does a selfless act and what does he get for it?Possible death, or torture, or worse being killed and eaten by something like a chew wasp. I wonder if perhaps F.P.Wilson will bring him back?I doubt that. When I think of where he is I tend to think that he is somewhere in another dimension with Gefreda(sp?), because maybe the feeling Jack got from it wasn't the Otherness it was just a instinct telling him that this object could do him and his loved ones harm. Who knows maybe Tom is in that other dimension looking into a crystal ball and seeing Jack's world!
Kenji   04-04-2008, 10:31 AM
christie Wrote:I just wanted to start up a convo of where people think Tom went when he was taken away?

Hell of spicy pistachios! Big Grin
NickelobLight   04-04-2008, 05:11 PM
Kenji Wrote:Hell of spicy pistachios! Big Grin

The way they were described, they weren't just spicy, they were like eating molten steel. Hotter than Habaneros? What was it, pure capsaicin? :eek:

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. -H.L. Mencken

Let not thy will roar when thy power can but whisper. -Dr. Thomas Fuller (1654-1734), Gnomologia, 1732

[Image: dfb17bf94b00b1e2eb_5.jpg] [Image: s_logo_tampa.gif]
Kenji   04-04-2008, 07:10 PM
NickelobLight Wrote:The way they were described, they weren't just spicy, they were like eating molten steel. Hotter than Habaneros? What was it, pure capsaicin? :eek:

If you read "SECRET HISTORIES", you'll know what I mean. Big Grin
NickelobLight   04-04-2008, 07:59 PM
Kenji Wrote:If you read "SECRET HISTORIES", you'll know what I mean. Big Grin

I thought the story was that when he was a kid, Tom Jr kept eating Jack's pistachios, so one day Jack coated them with some pepper he had gotten from his neighbor. The pepper was supposed to have been something like 10 times hotter than a habanero. That was in Infernal, I believe.

Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats. -H.L. Mencken

Let not thy will roar when thy power can but whisper. -Dr. Thomas Fuller (1654-1734), Gnomologia, 1732

[Image: dfb17bf94b00b1e2eb_5.jpg] [Image: s_logo_tampa.gif]
Miskatonic & Gin   04-04-2008, 10:00 PM
christie Wrote:I wonder if perhaps F.P.Wilson will bring him back?I doubt that.

I have it on good authority that we'll probably never find out what happened to Tom. I asked this of FPW at his panel at the San Diego Comic Con and he said we'll probably never find out. It's up to us to draw our own conclusions which I don't mind. Just like what is the last Rakosh doing in Pine Barrens? We'll probably never find out but I like the idea of not knowing. I imagine him gobbling up a few unlucky sould now and then and maybe hanging out around Razorback Hill.

Ozymandias is the one I would really like to see again though. The Kenton brothers too but I'm pretty sure they'll show up some time soon.

Cthulhu for President!

Why vote for a lesser evil? I can think of none better than the great old one, who should return from his slumber to take over the U.S. government and make this country a whole hell of a lot better as the leader of our executive branch. Or destroy it and drive everyone insane, kill us all, or something really nasty! Remember, Cthulhu for President, why vote for the lesser of two evils? Wink
Kenji   04-05-2008, 05:50 AM
NickelobLight Wrote:I thought the story was that when he was a kid, Tom Jr kept eating Jack's pistachios, so one day Jack coated them with some pepper he had gotten from his neighbor. The pepper was supposed to have been something like 10 times hotter than a habanero. That was in Infernal, I believe.

Yes, and whole story is in SECRET HISTORIES.

Enjoy! Big Grin
christie   04-06-2008, 08:49 PM
I can't wait to get the "Secret Histories" book I'm soooo excited, and I can't wait until "By The Sword" comes out too!
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