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Sourdoughs   03-31-2008, 12:07 PM
ImDeranged Wrote:The Great Dictator - Chaplin always was great at physical but in this one his word play alone is worth it for repeated viewings. Bacteria & Tomania invade Osterlich

Dr Strangelove :Or..... again wordplay make this a repeat viewing classic. The names of the characters alone can make me laugh : Merkin Muffley, Col. 'Bat' Guano, Gen. 'Buck' Turgidson

Brazil : I see something new each time I see it... then again each time I see it seems to be a new edit or alternate version.

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels : each time I see it it's like visiting an old friend. But then again you should meet my old friends.

The Godfather (all)- I even include 3. They are some of the ONLY films that get better w/ each viewing. After 10 + times of watching I still end up seeing something new in them each time I watch.

Jean de Florette / Manon of the Springs - French movies that blew my mind the first time I saw them. 5 viewings later they're still great.

The Hudsucker Proxy - The Coen Brothers movie that nobody ever talks about. Yet the one that I've seen the most- ok Big Lewboski is close and I include that in the list too. But HP has so many great moments. If anyone hasn't seen it run and get it. BTW if you watch it imagine Bruce Campbell as Clark Kent next to Jennifer Jason Leighs' Lois Lane. It's also a tribute to Frank Capra and Preston Sturges films.

They Live- I'd call it a guilty pleasure if it wasn't so cool.

This is Spinal Tap- One of the few movies I can jump in at any scene and watch from that point. Almost every other movie even if I've seen it a dozen times I'll want to watch from the beginning.

Sid & Nancy - Not accurate but a great movie.

Natural Born Killers - Every actor in this movie gives a career highlighting performance.

There are dozens more but that's a good stopping point (for now at least)

"They Live" - wow! I thought I was one of the only ones who would watch this movie a second+ time. For some reason, it just clicked with me too. I need to netflix it as I haven't seen it in a long time.

Movies I watch over-and-over:

* Lord of the Rings trilogy
* Lonesome Dove
* Serenity (& Firefly series, but not really a "movie")
* Casino Royale (new)
* Pirates of the Carrabean (1st only)
* Men in Black I & II
* Princess Bride
* Star Wars (New Hope, Empire, Jedi)
* Fish Called Wanda
* Batman Returns
* Bowfinger

probably others, too.
tenebroust   03-31-2008, 12:26 PM
For me:

Lord of the Rings trilogy, especially no.2 and 3
The Matrix trilogy
Vampire Hunter D
Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
ANY MST3K movie.
The Mothman Prophecies
Donny Darko
In the Mouth of Madness
and many more....

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The Karl   04-01-2008, 04:34 AM
Greetings. Long-time lurker, recently-approved poster here.

I have several movies I can watch over and over again (in fact, most I keep in a disc wallet in the bag I keep my laptop in):

V for Vendetta - Even if I'm not really watching, the music and dialogue are interesting and entertaining. Although I think the movie went a little far in making the government more despicable than V, compared to the graphic novel.

From Hell - The movie does not really compare to the exemplary graphic novel that it is based on, but I enjoyed the movie greatly. And I am a fan of the Jack the Ripper conspiracy.

The Prestige - One of the cases where I felt that the narrative of the movie was better than the one found in the book. Just everything about the way the movie was put together I found enjoyable.

Batman Begins - The Batman film that many of us fans had been waiting for.

Deep Impact - Had the problem of coming out at the same time as Bay's Armageddon. Of the two, this is the one I can watch over and over again. The elder astronaut played by Robert Duvall always reminds me of my father.

Virus - A cheesy, messy horror/action film with Donald Sutherland and Jamie Lee Curtis. But for some reason, I feel compelled to watch it again and again...

Thank You for Smoking - The dialogue alone is reason enough to watch this movie. Almost makes you want to take up smoking.

The Name of the Rose - A murder mystery in a 14th century monastery. Sean Connery and F. Murray Abraham philosophically duking it out as a Franciscan monk and a member of the Holy Inquisition respectively. What's not to like?

Dune - Compared to the books (which I love), this movie barely compares. But the sets, costume design, and the cast did a wonderful job of showing a decaying decadent empire on the verge of collapse. Also infinitely quotable in my circle of friends.

In The Mouth of Madness/Prince of Darkness/The Thing - John Carpenter's Unofficial Apocalypse Trilogy. Lovecraftian horrors and terrible things from space and beyond. Just can't get enough.

Honorable Mentions:

Event Horizon - More horrors from beyond time and space, and a very good cast of actors and characters. Also has the greatest line from a ship's captain when faced with the events of the previous crew - "We're leaving!"

The Fifth Element - Highly entertaining film. Colorful sets, colorful costumes, and one of the most incompetent sets of bad guys I have ever seen. Hilarious.

The 6th Sense/Unbreakable - These two films of M. Night Shyamalan tie for me. I'm a big fan of ghost stories, and a big fan of the comic book hero. And I consider both the best of that particular director's works.
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