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RichE   03-27-2008, 12:55 PM
JERSEY GIRL" I used to party big time in Highlands, NJ so its like reliving the good ole days!

"THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD" Great cast! Great Dialoug! Great Film Score (I picked up the CD by Tiomkin).

"THE OMEGA MAN" You can keep the Will Smith remake-I'll take Chuck Heston
and Anthony Zerbe any time! (Great CD too!)

"THE NAKED JUNGLE" and "SECRET OF THE INCAS" Great Heston double feature!

"THE LUCK OF THE IRISH" How can anyone, Irish or not, love this Ty Power film! (got the poster, framed, up in my office)

"ALIAS NICK BEAL" Ray Milland as the devil! With Thomas Mitchell and Audrey Totter (poster up too!)

"THE UNDYING MONSTER" Great Fox werewolf thriller!


"HERCULES" !!!!!!!!!!
You can take Kevin Sorbo!!!! There is only ONE Hercules and that is STEVE REEVES. I picked up the Widescreen DVD, fully restored, and it is fantastic!
And that Sylvia Koscina......VVVVAAAAAVVVVOOOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!

"DR. TERRORS HOUSE OF HORRORS" I met Donald Sutherland awhile back and he said he had very nice memories of this movie. The WS DVD blows those crummy cropped tv prints outta the water-track it down!
RichE   03-27-2008, 06:20 PM
"CRY OF THE PENGUINS" John Hurt plays an arrogant biologist who regains a new view of life by studying penguins in the Antartic. Halley Mills also appears in the film as the love interest.

"A BOY TEN FEET TALL" (aka SAMMY GOES SOUTH) a great story about a boy, alone, travelling across Africa to find his aunt. Edward G. Robinson also appears in this great tale.

"GORGO" Keep 'Cloverfield'! I'll take the big Irish lizard anytime!
IanSF   03-27-2008, 07:59 PM
Them! (Atomic testing in the desert creates giant ants)
Random Harvest (I know what's coming, but he end always chokes me up)
Dave (I just love the scene when all of Bob Alexander (Frank Langella)'s supporters have gone)
Ken Valentine   03-27-2008, 11:13 PM
IanSF Wrote:Random Harvest (I know what's coming, but he end always chokes me up)

That makes two of us.

And that scene in Cars when "Lightning" hears the voice of the Hudson Hornet over his intercom saying, "I didn't come all this way just to watch you quit!"

Goose bump time.

Ken V.
Aprilis   03-28-2008, 01:15 AM
Dazed and Confused
It has cool cars, classic Rock and some really memorable quotes.

The Burbs
it always makes me laugh.

Some Like it Hot
jack lemmon in drag, tony curtis doing a cary grant impersonation, and marilyn monroe ... what more do you need?

and I watch a lot of Cary Grant movies over and over its hard to pick a favorite
RichE   03-28-2008, 08:33 AM
"USED CARS" The tv commercial that cuts in during Carter's speech-what a howler!
Scott Miller   03-28-2008, 10:32 AM
These days I rarely watch anything more than once or twice but I'll generally try to catch these movies about once a year:

A Christmas Story
The Thing
Animal House
Say Anything

and two from the kiddie section:
The Incredibles & Finding Nemo

and the movie I have seen more than any other is...The Wall.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
DogWoman   03-28-2008, 10:47 AM
Ach! How could I have forgotten Some Like it Hot? It is so funny, and Marilyn's at her best.

Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House--The classic paint color scene, the couple scribbling on the architect's blueprint and making the second floor twice as big as the first...

Lost in America--"You can no longer say 'nest' or 'egg'. If we're walking through the forest, you can say 'Look at that bird in the round stick!'" and "I'm the best man; Phil Shabano's the groom!"

The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.

Ayn Rand, “For the New Intellectual,” For the New Intellectual, 50.
volshan   03-28-2008, 11:20 AM
Actually keeps you wondering till the end if they're actually gonna sign the Declaration. =)

A Few Good Men
Wonderful all aroud, plus you see Tom Cruise doing Jack Nicholson in a Jack Nicholson movie. =)

The Shawshank Redeption
Always good for bringing me up when I'm down.

Possibly M Night Shaymalan least know, and I think his best.

Historically well done, and visually stunning, at least to me. I know many don't like it, but I can watch it anytime.

RichE   03-28-2008, 11:46 AM
Any John Wayne movie!

Any Amicus Film - "Dr. Terrors House Of Horrors", "The Skull", "Torture Garden"
"From Beyond The Grave" etc

"Macumba Love" Love this shlocky voodoo film (coming out restored by VCI!)

"The Dam Busters"


"Sink The Bismark"

any movie with Gene Evans.
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