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webby   01-19-2008, 12:06 AM
Flinx Wrote:That's the same thing that is putting me off from seeing it.
Plus I keep thinking of it as the Blair Monster Project.

I heard a review on the radio today that called it the "Blair Godzilla Project". I'll wait for DVD.

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

mkmfpwfan   01-19-2008, 12:38 AM
It's looking more and more a staight to video shot for me-----Mark
Amon   01-19-2008, 01:36 AM
From what the reviews say, the monster is only glimpsed fully once throughout the entire film, and its origins are never even explained. I guess it really is Blaire Witch Project with a giant monster instead of....whatever the hell was in BWP.

Definitely waiting for DVD.
GeraldRice   01-19-2008, 03:41 PM
For those waiting for DVD you are going to miss a true movie experience. There are several moments where you will find yourself subconsciously crawling away from the screen because you =know= there is something there. The shaky cam was problematic for me, but after the initial running it got a lot better. There was plenty of humor injected in that didn't seem misplaced and so many things zip by that you'll wish you could just rewind and pause on to thoroughly examine, but it's better that you don't get to lock onto it (at least the first time).

The monster is... well, it's a... it kinda looks like it's... maybe if you took a crab and a frog and... and I dunno. It doesn't look like anything in your frame of reference. The fact that I knew what it USED to be (if you looked at any of the websites, particularly the slusho one) didn't help. The battle scenes are so intense! Waiting for this one is a mistake, IMO.

They passed an old woman who was just opening the door of a brown Cadillac. An old man was already sitting in the passenger seat. The car had a personalized plate with the letters “J-U-S-P-R-A-Y”.
“That stuff work?” Israel said to her.
“‘Scuse me?” the little old woman said, clutching her keys.
“The spray. Does it keep them away?”
“Keep who away?” She looked confused.
“I gotcha.” Israel gave her a conspiratorial wink.
The Mad American   01-19-2008, 07:51 PM
I couldn't disagree with you more Gerald. I LOVE monster movies and this sort of thing but I have to say "Cloverfield" is absolute garbage. I HATED this movie. The fact that the monster is hardly ever seen and that it is never explained bugged me but not as much as the shaky camera and horrible angles of most the shots. I mean come on, we all have used a video camera and nothing I have ever shot even comes close to the shaky crap and the weird angles that this movie tries to show as normal (even before the monsters attack, at the party and the start).

I guess it probably hurt that I perforated one of my eardrums last week and have been suffering from motion sickness since then and this movie made me very ill feeling. But as high as my hopes were for it and as bad as I think this movie was I think the ill feeling came more from that.

I am not an overly sensitvie person when it comes to using imagery from historical events or what not but the 9/11 imagery seemed overdone and out of place in this movie too. This movie tries to be way too clever in my opinion and misses the mark in epic fashion.

I will agree with you on the battle scenes, very cool. But that was like 5 minutes of a 90 minute movie.

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." D.O. McKay

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

Miskatonic & Gin   01-20-2008, 02:38 PM
Saw it on opening night. I can't even think of seeing this on DVD unless it's an 80 inch screen. This is a movie that has to be viewed in a theater. As for the movie, people will either love it or hate it with a passion. Most will hate the shaky cam and some will dislike the non Hollywodd endingand the fact that you never get spoon fed a bunch of answers and explanations. Me, I thought it was great. Intense, gripping and even terrifying in moments. The last movie that got so many jumps out of me was ALIENS. It's a benefit that you only see the monster a few times and that you never find out what it is. Seeing it too much would only desensitize you to it. This way when it does show up you're not saying "Oh, here it comes again..." like in "The Host". Not providing an explanation to the monster is to the movie's credit as well. I don't need everything explained in a monster movie. Half of the time explanations ruin everything for me as they're either lame and take away from the whole experience. I'll be going to see it again for sure. Easily the best monster movie I've seen in a long while and a really uniquie movie experience. It is NOT like the Blair Witch. It has the shaky cam and that's all. If you can get past that the movie is really something. The special effects are truly top notch as well.

Cthulhu for President!

Why vote for a lesser evil? I can think of none better than the great old one, who should return from his slumber to take over the U.S. government and make this country a whole hell of a lot better as the leader of our executive branch. Or destroy it and drive everyone insane, kill us all, or something really nasty! Remember, Cthulhu for President, why vote for the lesser of two evils? Wink
Mike Hanson   01-20-2008, 07:09 PM
Checked it out yesterday, half-price morning matinee.

It was entertaining and worth the reduced price
to see it on the big screen with a decent sound

Brilliant? No. Better than average monster movie? Yes.
Flawed? Sure. Terrible? No.

And the closest I will come to giving away the plot
and vibe of this flick?

Think of it as GODZILLA, meets ALIENS, meets

And on a final note, that damned little video camera
must have a mil-spec anti-shock construction and
design envied by the folks who make flight cockpit
recorder black boxes. I want one!

Mike out
Bluesman Mike Lindner   01-20-2008, 09:46 PM
GeraldRice Wrote:And why?

I admit, the viral marketing has definitely got me hooked. I look at the pictures, I make the slusho drinks, I try to make sense of what the drink does to people. I'm dropping the kiddie off at the sitter's and going to see it this weekend.

At my place of work, me Performing Arts right-hand-man, Grady Feldgus, is =the= man for film.

Always trust his opinion.

"Mike, there were good effects, good scary scenes. But 'Monster Chases Humans' is =not= a plot.'"
saynomore   01-20-2008, 10:41 PM
Mike Hanson Wrote:Think of it as GODZILLA, meets ALIENS, meets
Mike out

All favorite movies of mine. I have no problem with the shaky camera. Also saw Cannibal Holocaust (don't see this--actual animal killings and cruelty). Look forward to Diary of the Dead by George Romero, who carries the same shaky camera premise into the living dead genre.

So, I take it that Cloverfield is a hit or a miss. I'll ignore the fact that people have been walking out of this movie in droves and respect the fact that it pulled in 41 million bucks so far (and this is a three day weekend). I'll see it because I want to be like Mike. Wink

APhew   01-21-2008, 01:14 AM
This wasn't a movie for me, it was an experience. From start to finish I was polarized by what was happening on the screen. Nothing took me out of the film, there could have been a thousand cell phones ringing around me and I wouldn't have noticed in the least. All I can say is that it's been a very long time since I've had a movie effect me like that. I went in completely blind other than the trailer I saw maybe 5 or 6 times. I didn't do any of the web surfing trying to figure out more. The concept alone had my ass in the theater the first showing of opening day. I was shaking as I left the theater, I had so many thoughts coursing through me, the main one being "finally, FINALLY, they made a GREAT horror movie, a GREAT monster movie, it's been way too long."

After I got home I wanted to see if other people came out with the same experience I did. Sadly, this doesn't seem to be the case. Everything that worked perfectly for me other people hated. I love that we don't know, that questions are left unanswered, absolutely love it. This isn't that kind of movie, it's not supposed to present you with a tidy little package. Like I stated at the beginning, it's an experience. It's the fate of a group of people caught in the most mind-boggling situation you can imagine, trying to survive, trying to do the right thing, and having everything go right and so utterly horribly wrong at the same time. I must be the rare person who is immune to the effects of shakey cam. Sure it was disorienting, but that's all part of the experience.

As I'm sure all the people who hated it will feel sorry for me, as I do for them, don't let us sway whether you see this in the theater or wait for DVD. For me, the theater experience is an absolute must for a film like this, I can't imagine coming away with the same impression from a television. If the concept alone captures your attention, then you owe it to yourself to just go see it and decide for yourself.
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