ccosborne3 Wrote:Cool, I'll watch them before I go to bed. I like to let my subconscience run wild solving mysteries ALL NIGHT LONG! 
Some random thoughts....
I have the feeling that the most important people on the Island may be Walt and Desmond. Of course Jack and Locke are key, but among the other survivors who haven't been as prominently displayed, Walt and Desmond are very special. Walt may even be as powerful as Jacob, whoever Jacob may be.
Desmond survived the hatch implosion with the ability to receive visions of the future. Walt has the ability to receive visions...remember way back when in the first season when Locke held his hand or touched his arm and Walt told Locke "not to open it." That happened when Locke and Boone were working on trying to get into the hatch. Walt seems to have some uncanny relationship to birds (remember the scene in his mother's home in Australia; I referred to that scene earlier on this thread and there's more about Walt and birds in the "missing pieces" video clips). I wonder if Walt wasn't behind that big bird that cried out Hurley's name as it flew over their heads while they were on their way to the Black Rock.
At any rate, I think that the Island is special not only in terms of time, but also in terms of sending out signals, signals that can only be picked up by special people who are able to receive the signals. Maybe it's the Island itself that sends the 4-8-15-16-23-42 over and over again in whatever way it can, for some as yet unknown reason.
But I think that Walt and Desmond are special because they can so easily receive signals from the Island. Locke certainly is a receiver, so to speak, and maybe Jack is in some way but he blocks those signals within himself because he is a man of science and does not have the faith to believe in such things as an Island trying to send messages to people.
Ben has been someone also in tune with the Island. I guess one of the tests to determine if you are special enough to receive the messages is to see if you can, literally, see Jacob.