Aprilis Wrote:I just watched it and
[spoiler]I thought the ending was better than in the book. Well, it was more optimistic ... for the world.
Less optimistic for Drayton.
I also think the ending was just wrong. and wrong doesnt make a bad ending.[/spoiler]
not really sure that is a spoiler but better safe than sorry 
Did anyone else think that Thomas Jane would make a good Jack?
Off-topic post alert...actually, Felinestevens suggested that in the
Ryan Reynolds Will be Jack thread only a short time ago. [tips hat to Felinestevens]
I agreed but suggested that it would be confusing having the Punisher running around fighting the Otherness.
Now, AlvinFox buzzkills me with the news that TJ isn't even in
Punisher: War Zone! Dag!
Still, as a stickler for continuity, I insist, in advance, that TJ will have to dye his hair brown to play Jack...it's way too blonde to be true to the FPW's books (and yes, it still upsets me that Schwarzenegger's hair was brown in Conan! Everyone knows that Conan's hair was BLACK!)