I have some questions for other people who have read the books, if you'd care to express an opinion. These are spoilers. Highlight below to read because I made the font white...
What did Junior have planned for the other Market place? He took all the business from the one guy to give him a lesson, but he would have ended up screwing over the other guy when all the Vanek went back to Jeffers. Perhaps I'm thinking too much into this, but I would think that he would lose customers that don't like the Vanek and after they went back to Jeffers, (I can't remember the other store owner's name) he would have a huge drop in sales.
Well, I guess just one question.
There was once a man who was all obsessed with the strangest things. Like Nestle Quik, original cdr's and Afro-sheen. He built himself his dome, never left his home, decided life is much better when you're on your own. You might not want my opinion, but he coulda been on to something good.