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saynomore   05-18-2007, 07:52 PM
I think that the Smallville series has done a pretty good job of reinventing the mythos of Superman/Superboy to keep the show entertaining and surprizing.

Re the Lana Lang/Clark Kent romance: It works. Reminds me of the early Marvel Comic heroes whose romances conflicted with their superhero exploits (Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy, Scott/Jean Grey, Ben & Reed vying for Sue Storm's affections, etc.). And I was teary-eyed when Lana and Clark FINALLY shared THE secret that has kept them apart for so many seasons and now they can finally be together, BUT then Lana seems to have been killed in the car explotion (note the truck that passes by when the car explodes--more next season about that no doubt).

Love the Lex Luthor army of supervillains being built, while the beginnings of the Justice League are converging to battle Lex's army.

Chloe's power is finally revealed.

And the final villain to escape from the Phantom Zone turns out to be more powerful than Clark and morphs into the Bizzaro Kent. Guess this means the JL may be making an appearance for the next season's premiere. I mean, this villain put the hurt to Martian Manhunter.

As with LOST, this has been the best season so far for SMALLVILLE. I will be purchasing this season of both shows to add to my dvd library.


P.S. Re the ending of the series. Maybe not. Just change the name of the show to METROPOLIS. It would make a nice transition.
Tony H   05-18-2007, 08:21 PM
I have never been a HUGE fan of Superman as a character and his goody-two-shoes persona. This show is a stark contrast to the comics and previous movie/tv incarnations. It is dark and wrapped up in building mystery.

Saynomore nailed it down rather well. As far as the truck passing before the explosion, reminded me of the serials of the 40's. Surely that was not the end of Lana (though I wish it would be, her character grates my nerves for some reason.)

As far as Clark lying, he is still grasping his role as superhero and hasn't yet evolved into the truth/justice guy he is destined to become. He is still a teen in the series and coming to terms with something huge.

Speaking of huge, there has to be a catastrophic event at the end of the series to tie up the loose ends in keeping with the mythos. Clark never knew Lois or Lex prior to moving to Metropolis and too many people know his secret right now. So I forsee a major shift having to happen before they call it a wrap, something that undoes all memories and such. Unless they can transition the series effectively in other ways since they have already tampered with the mythos so much already.

Either way I think the show is wonderfully written and entertaining.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
Oblivion   05-18-2007, 08:26 PM
Honestly, it's been largely predictable where it hasn't been frankly outrageous. Six seasons and it has mostly stuck with Random Krypto-Freak of the Week or Who's Gone Evil Now, which they really shouldn't have needed after Season 3.

I don't mind the Clark-Lana romance. It's LEX-Lana that I mind, along with her spider-queen moments of near-Lexlike evil. Total soap opera, especially since they took some pains early on in the series to make sure Lana KNOWS what a bastard manipulator he is. Like, seasons ago. Romance between them? Only in the soaps where everyone must eventually marry everyone else.

I feel they squandered Brainiac, they definitely squandered Zod (those two are the things seasons are made of), Jor-El has been made out to be some kind of near-omniscient sociopath. And say it with me...Martian Manhunter lived on Mars thousands of years ago before he was brought to Earth. He did not in any way, shape, or form, work as Jor-El's lackey. If not for his vulnerability to fire, he would wipe the floor with nearly anything they come up against...he's Superman with telepathy and shape-shifting powers.

And while I love the character (she's probably the best thing to come out of this show), Chloe's power kinda sucks. I'm thinking Lana either stepped onto that van and neatly avoided yet another death or Chloe is gonna cry on a piece of her. And regrow her. Or something equally inane.
Oblivion   05-18-2007, 08:29 PM
AsMoral Wrote:As far as Clark lying, he is still grasping his role as superhero and hasn't yet evolved into the truth/justice guy he is destined to become. He is still a teen in the series and coming to terms with something huge.

Speaking of huge, there has to be a catastrophic event at the end of the series to tie up the loose ends in keeping with the mythos. Clark never knew Lois or Lex prior to moving to Metropolis and too many people know his secret right now. So I forsee a major shift having to happen before they call it a wrap, something that undoes all memories and such. Unless they can transition the series effectively in other ways since they have already tampered with the mythos so much already.

I think I have this figured out. Lex has not only seen Clark sans glasses for years...he's dealt with shoulders upright, spouting morality in a deep voice Clark. I'd say there's NO way Lex couldn't recognize him, even years later. Except...

Anyone remember Superman 2? I bet Clark lays a big, fat amnesia kiss on him before the series closer!
Auskar   05-18-2007, 08:30 PM
I was going to write something a couple of hours ago, but had to answer the phone -- then I come back and everyone has written all the things I meant to say.
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