iacon50 Wrote:so there aren't going to be any more updated versions of nightworld or the rest of the adversary cycle after the last rj is written? i wanted to by the borderlands versions but i just don't want to pay 60 bucks to have them be obsolete soon.
also should i wait to read repraisal and nighworld until after the last rj book comes out?
Welcome to the board Iacon!
The Adversary Cycle revisions are done and there won't be any further revisions. The revisions (mostly) help to keep the entire Adversary Cycle & RJ series in the same timeline. Nightworld's revisions also include things from the RJ series that did not exist when Nightworld was originally published.
I think it would be perfectly safe to buy the Borderlands versions. They are the "author's definitive" versions.

If you'd rather wait, they may eventually be released in regular trade hardcover versions sometime after the last RJ book is released. I'm pretty sure we can count on this for at least Nightworld.
As for what to read, go ahead and read Reprisal now. It shouldn't spoil anything for you and it will probably enhance your RJ reading. Besides, it's just a darn good book - spookiest thing I ever read in my life!
Reading Nightworld before the last RJ is a tough call. Some are waiting, some have taken the plunge already.
If you're thinking about reading the REVISED Nightworld, you should NOT do it unless you have already read Harbingers! If you've read Harbingers, you won't spoil too much for yourself in advance by reading the revised Nightworld before the last RJ.
Still, it's a personal choice. As I said, some are waiting and others have gone ahead with it.
Whatever you decide, enjoy!