Blake Wrote:If the Lady is Mother Earth, perhaps the dog represents a sort of "force of nature". We think of Mother Earth as being a cradle of life, but there's the other side to it, too: earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, and all the other things that can take life away in an instant. Given the way the Lady talks about what the dog can do in Harbingers, maybe it's the other side of her "personality," or whatever you want to call it. She's the nurturer while the dog is the force to be reckoned with.
I'm sure this is far too simplistic a view, but it's a thought.
Blake Wrote:If the Lady is Mother Earth, perhaps the dog represents a sort of "force of nature". We think of Mother Earth as being a cradle of life, but there's the other side to it, too: earthquakes, floods, volcanoes, and all the other things that can take life away in an instant. Given the way the Lady talks about what the dog can do in Harbingers, maybe it's the other side of her "personality," or whatever you want to call it. She's the nurturer while the dog is the force to be reckoned with.I really like that connection. Dogs can be the "bite" to the Lady's force of word and deed.
I'm sure this is far too simplistic a view, but it's a thought.
Lon Wrote:My post is more a speculation on why FPW wrote it that way, than on why it is that way in the continuity of the story-world.
Here there be Dragons and wild-eyed speculation. Ye have been warned...
I've often thought the dog was there as a sort of male counterpart, keeping the balance, so to speak. Kind of the female Mother Earth "Yin" always wandering with her small but loyal male "Yang". (Try to keep a straight face when you read that!)![]()
But then another part of me doubts this Yin/Yang element was anything FPW intended, and more likely, he wanted (consciously or un-) for the Ladies to be associated in the reader's mind with unconditional love. (And what better living symbol of unconditional love than a dog?)
I guess the biggest reason I doubt FPW's going for a planned Yin/Yang association is [spoiler omitted] in Conspiracies would perhaps have been female if FPW wanted any kind of opposite symmetry.
EDITED TO ADD: I should really try to post faster! All my points magically appeared in between starting the post and finishing it.
tenebroust Wrote:It is worthy of note that dogs are often depicted in paranormal like scenarios as being able to "tell" if something is right or wrong about something or someone, even if no one present gets it. Perhaps dogs are just good at picking up traces of the "otherness" and also have a natural aversion and hatred for it. Having said all that (whew), I am also liking the idea that the dog may be a kind of representation of the wild forces of nature angle too
webby Wrote:Another good thought!
Cats can see "otherness" or paranormal things too, but they will more likely stare at it in fascination until the last possible moment to flee.
Ken Valentine Wrote:Yeah. Cats make great "burglar alarms."
You know something's wrong when they go ripping around the corner and dash under the bed.![]()
Or fluff up and growl at the door.
Ken V.
Ken Valentine Wrote:Yeah. Cats make great "burglar alarms."
Ken Valentine Wrote:You know something's wrong when they go ripping around the corner and dash under the bed.![]()
Or fluff up and growl at the door.
Ken V.
tenebroust Wrote:Hide under the bed for my Smokey! Especially when young kids come over. But if there is something going on outside he is racing back and forth between window vantage points to stay on top of it!
webby Wrote:Except my Tinky (Tinkerbell). She is pretty unusual for a cat because every time someone comes in the door, even new people, she sees an opportunity to be petted. She just fully expects that anyone who sees her will instantly love her and not be able to resist petting her.
Quote:It always scares me when they do that! Most of the time it's nothing at all, but it gives me the creeps anyway.