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Bluesman Mike Lindner   03-12-2007, 03:47 PM
The Mad American Wrote:There is a great scene that is after this line is used. I won't spoil it but it got a good laugh from most in the audience.

Guess that was the first time the East attacked the West in force. Well, yeah, Lindner...the first time humanity was prosperous enough to support armies. But the Men of the West turned them back. And did it at Lepanto, and at the gates of Vienna, and stood like men of forged iron between their homes and the invaders, strong of sword-arm and willing to die, the warriors who rallied to Martel "The Hammer" and who shattered Islam's pride in the south of France...

These days? Hah! Give me a break...Rolleyes
This post was last modified: 03-12-2007, 04:47 PM by Bluesman Mike Lindner.
GeraldRice   03-12-2007, 06:45 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Guess that was the first time the East attacked the West in force. Well, yeah, Lindner...the first time humanity was prosperous enough to support armies. But the Men of the West turned them back. And did it at Lepanto, and at the gates of Vienna, and stood like men of forged iron between their homes and the invaders, strong of sword-arm and willing to die, the warriors who rallied to Martel "The Hammer" and who shattered Islam's pride in the south of France...

These days? Hah! Give me a break...Rolleyes

Hey, I saw that on the History Channel yesterday.

They passed an old woman who was just opening the door of a brown Cadillac. An old man was already sitting in the passenger seat. The car had a personalized plate with the letters “J-U-S-P-R-A-Y”.
“That stuff work?” Israel said to her.
“‘Scuse me?” the little old woman said, clutching her keys.
“The spray. Does it keep them away?”
“Keep who away?” She looked confused.
“I gotcha.” Israel gave her a conspiratorial wink.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   03-12-2007, 07:00 PM
GeraldRice Wrote:Hey, I saw that on the History Channel yesterday.

But lacking me lovely command of words, Oi'd betcha!Wink Lindner, shut =up=! You're embarassing everyone.
Susan   03-13-2007, 09:47 AM
Did you guys know that the role of Xerxes was played by the golf-playing character on Lost (Rodrigo Santoro)?

He's Brazilian, so I had to give my man he's props.

[Image: 5885-2007-03-07-10:03:20_1.jpg]

Hmmm....I may have to go see this movie!


FPW Stores:
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. ~ Oscar Wilde

Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.~Nietzche
NewYorkjoe   03-21-2007, 11:28 AM
Finally got to the movies last weekend! (Work has been a bear for weeks, zero free time.)

I went to see "300," while my Greek wife went to "Bridge to Tarabitha." The facts are: she hates violent films, hates films where animals are injured/killed, calls my preoccupation with history/war enjoyment of misery. Whaddayagonnado?

I had to laugh (to myself) early in the film when we get to see Leonidas' wife. Long hair, beauty mark, and attitude, just like a certain member of the audience in "Bride to Tarabitha!" There were also a couple references to Greek women in the film that were quite accurate.

Theo (my wife) had been under the impression that this film was animated, from the ads she had seen. I thought it was part human actors and part computer generation. Has anyone else an opinion or can clear this up?

I remember an old, old movie (middle 60s), "The 300 Spartans," and I believe Richard Eagan played the lead. This version added a lot of extraneous side actors to the main plot, but I don't believe they added much to the story. Special effects, though, are great.

It is interesting to note that Dr. Henry Kissinger likened the Soviet Union to Sparta and the US to Athens and, using that simile, guided the US into detente and tried to negotiate the best deal he could for the US before the sun inevitably set on America and the Soviets became ascendent. How wrong he was!

It seems that the only thing that could unite the Greeks was a massive threat from outside. Even Alexander initially faced Greek mercenaries when he went against Persia. After the Peloponnesian Wars, the Greeks were so weakened that they were pushovers.

I wonder what it will take to unite Americans against terrorism?

Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate: "To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late; And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,"
"Well, John Henry said to the Cap'n, "A man ain't nuthin' but a man. But, before I let that steam drill beat me, gonna die with my hammer in my hand, Lawd, Lawd, gonna die with my hammer in my hand."
Keith the Elder   03-21-2007, 11:43 AM
NewYorkjoe Wrote:I wonder what it will take to unite Americans against terrorism?

A leader!

"Think for yourself and question authority" Leary

By the way, How are things in your town?
NewYorkjoe   03-21-2007, 02:25 PM
Keith the Elder Wrote:A leader!

Got anyone in mind? Or, maybe we should save this for the Political sector?

Then out spoke brave Horatius, the Captain of the Gate: "To every man upon this earth, death cometh soon or late; And how can man die better than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods,"
"Well, John Henry said to the Cap'n, "A man ain't nuthin' but a man. But, before I let that steam drill beat me, gonna die with my hammer in my hand, Lawd, Lawd, gonna die with my hammer in my hand."
Keith the Elder   03-21-2007, 03:39 PM
NewYorkjoe Wrote:Got anyone in mind? Or, maybe we should save this for the Political sector?

This is all I'm going to say on the subject, although you can move it to the Political Forum if you wish.

I have nobody in mind. A leader would try to unite the country rather than concentrate on divisive, yet inflammatory, non-issues to rally support of extremists who in their fanatisism will blindly support said standard bearer. I see no candidates at present.

I have nothing more to say on this matter.

"Think for yourself and question authority" Leary

By the way, How are things in your town?
Sam   03-21-2007, 06:27 PM
Scott Hajek Wrote:This looks like it will be very entertaining. Plus, it has the added bonus of a RJ board member in the movie....

Dalt!! Shit, I had no idea he was in this film. Bit of a bummer that he had to play Daxos but at least he wasn't a background Spartan with no lines. A GREAT movie. Hmm... wonder if Brother Dalt preached the Gospel of RJ while on the set? This forum is a cult following, after all. Smile

"The nose of a mob is its imagination. By this, at any time, it can be quietly led." - Edgar Allan Poe

"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it." - Agent K
Marc   03-21-2007, 06:44 PM
Just got back from this film. I was bored. It was like Matrix Revolution: all action and nothing else. Yes, the film was pretty to look at but that's all it had going for it.
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