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Kenji   09-17-2006, 09:20 PM
Welcome to the board, GCMich and Phantom21! Smile

As Bluesman Mike said, don't forget Paul's stand-alone books. I highly recommend "Black Wind" and "Sibs" and "Dydeetown World".
Barry Lee Dejasu   09-17-2006, 09:35 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:The RJ series parallels THE TOUCH and REPRISAL, and everything comes together in NIGHTWORLD.

(Events in THE TOUCH happen right after ALL THE RAGE, and THE HAUNTED AIR occurs after REPRISAL.)

Welcome to the board, and happy reading.

Ken V.

Bear with me a moment here. Oh yeah, and

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't old "Rassie" basically skip out the door, ready to unleash all hell on everything at the end of Reprisal? With his discovery that Glaeken is now just an old man, what was to stop him from unleashing that-which-occurs-in-Nightworld-that-me-and-a-few-others-haven't-yet-read?

My point being, how could The Haunted Air and subsequent RJ novels take place after Reprisal?

I read all of the "original" versions of the Adversary Cycle books (except Nightworld, of course) once maybe five years ago, and I felt I'd spoiled myself with too much "future info" by reading Reprisal, just because of the above reasoning. Granted, I basically know what Nightworld means for the series, and I know that the RJ books are going to have to come to an end at some point (excluding the young adult ones), but since I've just started re-reading the entire series, I want to get it "right" this time.

"...and your last thought is that you have become a noise...a thin, nameless noise among all these others...howling in the empty dark room"
--Ulver, "Nowhere/Catastrophe"
[Image: geomorfos.jpg]
Ken Valentine   09-18-2006, 12:08 AM
Barry Lee Dejasu Wrote:Bear with me a moment here. Oh yeah, and

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't old "Rassie" basically skip out the door, ready to unleash all hell on everything at the end of Reprisal? With his discovery that Glaeken is now just an old man, what was to stop him from unleashing that-which-occurs-in-Nightworld-that-me-and-a-few-others-haven't-yet-read?

My point being, how could The Haunted Air and subsequent RJ novels take place after Reprisal?

Maybe after wasn't the right word. After the beginning of Reprisal would have been a better way to put it. More accurate anyway.

The house that Lyle and Charlie are living in, in THA, is the same house that Sara Lom had lived in, in Reprisal. Danny was killed in the beginning of Reprisal, and Father Bill spent five years in exile, during which time The Haunted Air and subsequent RJ novels take place.

Although it doesn't mean that The Kenton brothers moved in immediately after Sara Lom moved out.

At least, that's the way I remember it.

Ken V.
This post was last modified: 09-18-2006, 12:11 AM by Ken Valentine.
Ken Valentine   09-18-2006, 12:17 AM
phantom21 Wrote:I JUST discovered RJ a little over 2 weeks ago and he's one of the best characters I've read in a long time.

I've been reading the stories in order of publication, and have just finished reading the eighth one, CrissCross.

I've picked up the Keep and will read it this week. I'd like to get the rest of the Adversary Cycle books, but I see they're out of print.

I'll be looking at some used book stores (I live in NYC, so there are a few left), but for some reason I don't think I'll have much luck. (Maybe the Otherness doesn't want me to get them.

Any suggestions on how to get them?


You can also find out of print books at:

That's where I look first.

And welcome to the board.

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   09-18-2006, 12:19 AM
GCMich Wrote:Ken - this is great. Thanks for taking the time to spell it out.

You're welcome.

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   09-18-2006, 12:27 AM
GCMich Wrote:Thanks Cobalt. Which of the "touch" books do you think are the best and how do they relate to the main books? The more info the better.

There are a lot of little things which tend to connect many of the books together.

For example: The Church in Virgin, is the same Church that's in The Haunted Air and Crisscross.

The basement of the house in Legacies connects the house to another non-RJ novel.

There are lots of links like that, but they're subtle . . . and really enjoyable when you discover them.

Ken V.
Tumak   10-01-2006, 03:16 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:Maybe after wasn't the right word. After the beginning of Reprisal would have been a better way to put it. More accurate anyway.

The house that Lyle and Charlie are living in, in THA, is the same house that Sara Lom had lived in, in Reprisal. Danny was killed in the beginning of Reprisal, and Father Bill spent five years in exile, during which time The Haunted Air and subsequent RJ novels take place.
But according to the chronology on the News page, Danny's death would have occurred during Year Zero Minus Five, which means all the RJ books would take place during Bill's exile. Also, the chronology says The Touch occurs after Harbingers, not All The Rage.

But I'm a newbie and so far have read RJ only through Conspiracies, so maybe I'm missing something...?
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