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GCMich   09-17-2006, 01:57 AM
Hi - I've read a few RJ books in the past and really enjoyed them. However, in looking at the Story Cross Reference diagram, there's apparently a lot more to dive into. Any suggestions on which books to read first and the order to get the best effect?
Ken Valentine   09-17-2006, 02:19 AM
GCMich Wrote:Hi - I've read a few RJ books in the past and really enjoyed them. However, in looking at the Story Cross Reference diagram, there's apparently a lot more to dive into. Any suggestions on which books to read first and the order to get the best effect?

The RJ books are written in chronological order:


If you would like to stay in chronological order, you would want to read the Adversary Cycle in this order:

THE TOMB --already mentioned.

The RJ series parallels THE TOUCH and REPRISAL, and everything comes together in NIGHTWORLD.

(Events in THE TOUCH happen right after ALL THE RAGE, and THE HAUNTED AIR occurs after REPRISAL.)

Welcome to the board, and happy reading.

Ken V.
GCMich   09-17-2006, 02:09 PM
Ken - this is great. Thanks for taking the time to spell it out.
cobalt   09-17-2006, 05:16 PM
GCMich Wrote:Hi - I've read a few RJ books in the past and really enjoyed them. However, in looking at the Story Cross Reference diagram, there's apparently a lot more to dive into. Any suggestions on which books to read first and the order to get the best effect?
Welcome aboard!
Ken's advise is always on target. But there are many other books out there that "touch" one-another. Enjoy them all!

GCMich   09-17-2006, 06:35 PM
Thanks Cobalt. Which of the "touch" books do you think are the best and how do they relate to the main books? The more info the better.
cobalt   09-17-2006, 07:01 PM
GCMich Wrote:Thanks Cobalt. Which of the "touch" books do you think are the best and how do they relate to the main books? The more info the better.
Hey there!
Mind you, I'm not the expert. But if you follow the chart in the cross reference, Legacies ties in with Deep As The Marrow, Implant and The Select. Follow that lead on down and Masque and Dydeetown World tie in. I'm working my way thru these books now. But I do recommend them as well as the 2 collections. Soft and Others with The Barrens and Others. These are my two favorites thus far. But I just finished Black Wind and this story was fantastic.
There is a search feature on this board, I find it essential when I have a question. Why you might ask, well 9 times out of 10, that question has been asked and answered on the board. I always find it neat when an element from one story touches another. It can be a small thing that most of us miss, but someone will find it and post the find. Then the discussion erupts and you learn so much more.
So have fun reading and post your thoughts, discussions welcome!

phantom21   09-17-2006, 08:14 PM
I JUST discovered RJ a little over 2 weeks ago and he's one of the best characters I've read in a long time.

I've been reading the stories in order of publication, and have just finished reading the eighth one, CrissCross.

I've picked up the Keep and will read it this week. I'd like to get the rest of the Adversary Cycle books, but I see they're out of print.

I'll be looking at some used book stores (I live in NYC, so there are a few left), but for some reason I don't think I'll have much luck. (Maybe the Otherness doesn't want me to get them.

Any suggestions on how to get them?

luthie2   09-17-2006, 08:27 PM
phantom21 Wrote:I JUST discovered RJ a little over 2 weeks ago and he's one of the best characters I've read in a long time.

I've been reading the stories in order of publication, and have just finished reading the eighth one, CrissCross.

I've picked up the Keep and will read it this week. I'd like to get the rest of the Adversary Cycle books, but I see they're out of print.

I'll be looking at some used book stores (I live in NYC, so there are a few left), but for some reason I don't think I'll have much luck. (Maybe the Otherness doesn't want me to get them.

Any suggestions on how to get them?


Welcome to the board, GCMich and phantom21!

I purchased the out of print Adversary Cycle books on and eBay. generally has a really nice selection of books. Nightworld is usually the most difficult one to find and the most expensive.

Good luck and happy reading!

Bluesman Mike Lindner   09-17-2006, 08:46 PM
GCMich Wrote:Hi - I've read a few RJ books in the past and really enjoyed them. However, in looking at the Story Cross Reference diagram, there's apparently a lot more to dive into. Any suggestions on which books to read first and the order to get the best effect?

Howdy-doo, GCMich--welcome to the board! Let's not forget Paul's stand-alone books. Check out IMPLANT.
cobalt   09-17-2006, 08:51 PM
Welcome Phantom21.
Try Amazon for used books. Some books are only a penny! That's of course for a used book. I've built my collection from B+ N, Amazon and Borders. Good hunting!

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