acfrogg Wrote:SPOILER********
I tell you, FPW sure isn't afraid to kill people off. Makes me nervous to read the rest of the book.
acfrogg Wrote:SPOILER********
I just started Infernal, I can't believe that he killed his dad!I loved the thought of him and Jack together and was so happy he was going to meet Gia and Vicky, then he just dies. I tell you, FPW sure isn't afraid to kill people off. Makes me nervous to read the rest of the book. Oh yes, and I REALLY hate Jack's brother:mad: >I know, I'm suppossed to, mission accomplished. Alright, must go read more...
acfrogg Wrote:SPOILER********I felt the same way. I kept expecting Jack to wake up from a bad dream or something that would make it not true. The way it happened was so abrupt that I couldn't believe it. I haven't read Harbingers yet so I don't know how it plays into the bigger picture.
I just started Infernal, I can't believe that he killed his dad!I loved the thought of him and Jack together and was so happy he was going to meet Gia and Vicky, then he just dies. I tell you, FPW sure isn't afraid to kill people off. Makes me nervous to read the rest of the book. Oh yes, and I REALLY hate Jack's brother:mad: >I know, I'm suppossed to, mission accomplished. Alright, must go read more...
stacyzinda123 Wrote:I felt the same way. I kept expecting Jack to wake up from a bad dream or something that would make it not true. The way it happened was so abrupt that I couldn't believe it. I haven't read Harbingers yet so I don't know how it plays into the bigger picture.
acfrogg Wrote:SPOILER********Just keep on reading, much more will be explained in the next few books. And then you CAN REALLY HATE TOM!
I just started Infernal, I can't believe that he killed his dad!I loved the thought of him and Jack together and was so happy he was going to meet Gia and Vicky, then he just dies. I tell you, FPW sure isn't afraid to kill people off. Makes me nervous to read the rest of the book. Oh yes, and I REALLY hate Jack's brother:mad: >I know, I'm suppossed to, mission accomplished. Alright, must go read more...
fpw Wrote:[SIZE="3"]That the whole idea, Frogger.[/SIZE]Well it is well done! But if you kill off Abe, I may have to go all 'Misery' on you
cobalt79 Wrote:Just keep on reading, much more will be explained in the next few books. And then you CAN REALLY HATE TOM!I finished Infernal and I still hate Tom,lol. So much did I hate him that it was actually hard for me to read the book. Even his 'nobleness' was annoying, his character was just a little too familiar, ifyaknowhwatImean!There is a "greater plan" afoot here!
acfrogg Wrote:Well it is well done! But if you kill off Abe, I may have to go all 'Misery' on youKidding! But PLEEEAASEEEE don't kill him!