Let me first say that I'm apparently the only person who wasn't crazy about the first Pirates movie; it was entertaining, but it was no
Cutthroat Island 
. So I wasn't completely thrilled when I heard of a sequel, but then I saw the previews and thought, "That looks awesome! I'm going." So I went and blah. Not even as good as the first.
The good-Johnny Depp continued to shine as Captain Jack and the production value made it impressive to look at, especially the Kraken.
The ho-hum-Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley fail to generate any chemistry and I felt they were merely going through the motions. The plot wasn't particularly clever and as Mark said, the movie was entirely too long.
The bad-they were several scenes were the humor was so forced it made me wince and there was a serious lack of pirating.
The ugly-Davey Jones and his crew-just what in the hell happened to them? I could not get past his face therefore ruining the villian aspect for me.