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Dead Man's Chest - Marc - 07-08-2006

40 minutes too long and relies way the heavily on special effects. Good story continuation though.

Dead Man's Chest - Scott Miller - 07-08-2006

Let me first say that I'm apparently the only person who wasn't crazy about the first Pirates movie; it was entertaining, but it was no Cutthroat Island Big Grin . So I wasn't completely thrilled when I heard of a sequel, but then I saw the previews and thought, "That looks awesome! I'm going." So I went and blah. Not even as good as the first.

The good-Johnny Depp continued to shine as Captain Jack and the production value made it impressive to look at, especially the Kraken.

The ho-hum-Orlando Bloom and Kiera Knightley fail to generate any chemistry and I felt they were merely going through the motions. The plot wasn't particularly clever and as Mark said, the movie was entirely too long.

The bad-they were several scenes were the humor was so forced it made me wince and there was a serious lack of pirating.

The ugly-Davey Jones and his crew-just what in the hell happened to them? I could not get past his face therefore ruining the villian aspect for me.

Dead Man's Chest - cobalt - 07-08-2006

We're waiting for the lines to die down some to see this one. I've read the reviews and I'll post when we do see the film. One thing I did hear recently was that Keith Richards agreed to play Captain Jack's father in the third film. The play on words/phrases and motions should alone be worth the price for this one when I imagine the two of them having a family spat. It may need a R rating for all the bloody language!

Dead Man's Chest - cobalt - 07-11-2006

We went to the movies today to see Dead Man's Chest. I liked it. I'll admit that the movie was a bit long, but I was entertained. Hubby liked it as well. Lots of room for the sequel. My favorite part.................NO SPOILER..........
When Capt Jack was trying to get Davie Jones' attention, he called him, "Hey!, Scungielie"..........Italian for Conch, but often mixed up for the word for squid, calamada. I laughed and laughed. Big Grin

Dead Man's Chest - Marc - 07-11-2006

cobalt79 Wrote:Lots of room for the sequel.

You're in luck. They shot parts 2 and 3 back-to-back. Pirates 3 is scheduled for release next summer.

Dead Man's Chest - jimbow8 - 07-11-2006

Marc B. Wrote:You're in luck. They shot parts 2 and 3 back-to-back. Pirates 3 is scheduled for release next summer.
..... with Keith Richards.

Dead Man's Chest - Lisa - 07-11-2006

I am disappointed to hear the sequel is not as good. I love the first one. I will still see it when it comes out on DVD, though. Smile


Dead Man's Chest - cobalt - 07-11-2006

Lisa Wrote:I am disappointed to hear the sequel is not as good. I love the first one. I will still see it when it comes out on DVD, though. Smile

I thought the movie was worth the price. One local theater runs movies all day for $5.00 a ticket on Tuesdays.

Dead Man's Chest - cobalt - 07-11-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:..... with Keith Richards.
WOO-HOO! Bugger and bloody good.

Dead Man's Chest - Marc - 07-11-2006

jimbow8 Wrote:..... with Keith Richards.

From what I read recently they couldn't work with his schedule so he's not in it.