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Terry Willacker   05-19-2006, 04:58 PM
XMEN 3: Looking forward to it.

DaVinci Code: No interest in the movie or the book.

Flight 93: I don't know. I watched the TV version on one of the cable channels twice. I don't think I want to go to a theater for it. Although, I don't think there is anything wrong with a movie making you feel patriotic.

I don't think any political points can be made now. If it had been shown during the 2004 presidential election, it would be different. Then it probably would have gotten Bush a few more votes.
KRW   05-22-2006, 09:33 PM
Marc B. Wrote:I won't see it because I don't believe this is the way it happened. There's too much evidence that disputes the passengers bringing down the plane, so I refuse to see an exploitive "patriotic" movie.

100% Agree!

saynomore   05-22-2006, 11:44 PM
Having seen United 93, I can guarantee you that it is very far from "patriotic," would not have gotten Bush "a few more votes," and is nothing at all like the TV version, which had a political agenda. But the only way you could know that is to see it. Don't be like those religious zealots who condemn The Da Vinci Code without having read the book or seen the movie. I'd like to think that we on the RJ Board are above that kind of criticking.


P.S. I was about to burst into "God Bless America" but it would have defeated my point. Really, this movie is not what you think it is. And this is my last word on the subject. Let those who have seen it have the next word.
KRW   05-23-2006, 12:25 AM
saynomore Wrote:Having seen United 93, I can guarantee you that it is very far from "patriotic," would not have gotten Bush "a few more votes," and is nothing at all like the TV version, which had a political agenda. But the only way you could know that is to see it. Don't be like those religious zealots who condemn The Da Vinci Code without having read the book or seen the movie. I'd like to think that we on the RJ Board are above that kind of criticking.


P.S. I was about to burst into "God Bless America" but it would have defeated my point. Really, this movie is not what you think it is. And this is my last word on the subject. Let those who have seen it have the next word.

Hang on a second AC. We all watched this on our tv's. We all listened to it on our radios. I'm supposing the only thing we can't comment on about this movie is the fairy tail aspect Hollywood gave it, right? I'm curious, did they show in the movie how debree was spread out over ten miles from the crash site? Or did they over look that fact?

saynomore   05-23-2006, 01:19 AM
This movie is not a typical "Hollywood" movie, but only by watching it could you know that. Most of the movie takes place in FCC, military, and flight tower locations. It is far from "fairy tale." And the passengers are not shown as heroic but as desperate to survive. I saw a preview of Twin Towers by Oliver Stone today: Now that's a "Hollywood Fairy Tale!!!!" But United 93 is not. Let go of your pre-conceptions for a couple of hours and watch this movie. I can't emphasize enough that it is not what you think it is. I was in your shoes when I decided not to see it, but having four hours to kill, and that being the only movie around, I saw it. And my notions of it being a "fairy tale" were blown away. Had I not seen it, I'd probably be saying the same thing as you.

Richard Kendrick   05-23-2006, 05:49 AM
saynomore Wrote:This movie is not a typical "Hollywood" movie, but only by watching it could you know that. Most of the movie takes place in FCC, military, and flight tower locations. It is far from "fairy tale." And the passengers are not shown as heroic but as desperate to survive. I saw a preview of Twin Towers by Oliver Stone today: Now that's a "Hollywood Fairy Tale!!!!" But United 93 is not. Let go of your pre-conceptions for a couple of hours and watch this movie. I can't emphasize enough that it is not what you think it is. I was in your shoes when I decided not to see it, but having four hours to kill, and that being the only movie around, I saw it. And my notions of it being a "fairy tale" were blown away. Had I not seen it, I'd probably be saying the same thing as you.


Dude, for whatever reason, he obviously doesn't want his mind changed.

I wish I could get my hands on a copy of that movie here in Belgium. I doubt they will even show it in theaters.

NewYorkjoe   05-23-2006, 10:36 AM
hford713 Wrote:That's precisely how I feel about it.

The day its director comes out and states that he is going to donate EVERY penny of profit from B.O. receipts to whatever charity, is the day I'll rent it.

The director obviously spent a good chunk of his time bringing this project to fruition - and he did it for money, not a message.

I usually don't take stances like this, but this is one that just kind of made me sick.

This sounds very much like what I said with regard to Brokeback Mountain. I guess it's OK to make money from a movie with a liberal message, but don't DARE make a movie with a patriotic message and expect to profit from it! I'm sure Michael Moore made a few bucks with his scurrilous propaganda dressed up as a documentary (which it was not, send back the Oscar, Mike!). Check to see how much he contributed to charity (the DNC doesn't count!).

Maybe Mike will make a "documentary" showing how America is to blame for 9/11 and terrorism? Perhaps then, he will splurge on a razor, new baseball cap, and a South Beach Diet book.
This post was last modified: 05-23-2006, 10:41 AM by NewYorkjoe.
jimbow8   05-23-2006, 11:06 AM
NewYorkjoe Wrote:I guess it's OK to make money from a movie with a liberal message, but don't DARE make a movie with a patriotic message
Nice attempt to juxtapose those. Big Grin

Was there a review of the movie in there, or just another anti-liberal (what does Moore have to do with this?) rant?

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
Bluesman Mike Lindner   05-23-2006, 12:00 PM
hford713 Wrote:That's precisely how I feel about it.

The day its director comes out and states that he is going to donate EVERY penny of profit from B.O. receipts to whatever charity, is the day I'll rent it.

The director obviously spent a good chunk of his time bringing this project to fruition - and he did it for money, not a message.

I usually don't take stances like this, but this is one that just kind of made me sick.

Are you saying a person shouldn't be financially compensated for his time and effort?
NewYorkjoe   05-23-2006, 12:40 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Nice attempt to juxtapose those. Big Grin

Was there a review of the movie in there, or just another anti-liberal (what does Moore have to do with this?) rant?

I'm not juxtaposing two films with such disparate subjects, I am merely comparing/contrasting the reactions of those with a more politically liberal point of view (dare I say bias) to a film with a liberal message and to another film with a more (assumed) patriotic subject.

It seemed that the original poster's (hford713) reaction to Flight 93 sounded very much like my reaction to Brokeback Mountain. I found that an interesting parallel; again, the reactions, not the films themselves.

As for Michael Moore, again I was pointing out the poster's problem with the Flight 93 director/producer making money, but lack of concern about Moore's remuneration for an endless diatribe based on unsupported accusations presented as a "documentary." It's the "two sets of rules" syndrome, one for those that coincide with your political viewpoint and another set for those who contradict it. That is a basic form of hypocrisy.

Believe it or not, I object to all forms of hypocrisy, whatever the source, and personally avoid it whenever I can. Unfortunately, liberal hypocrisy is so rampant and so hard to ignore. Pointing it out does not equate to a "rant," but then I don't think pointing out fallacies in reasoning equals a personal attack either.

Although I've been looking, the Flight 93 film seems to have come and gone before I could see it, so a film review is not possible at this time.
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