Okay trivia fans, welcome to the new and improved trivia thread. I'm glad you could all be here for this festive celebration.
The rules are the same as Trivia I. P/M me your answers when you are ready.
Okay then, let's get to it.
#1. What was Elaine's boyfriend's name that was a mechanic?
#2. What did Kramer install in his shower drain?
#3. What was Kramerica going to produce?
#4. What was the name of Elaine's friend that Jerry called the "Braless Wonder"?
#5. What is Kramer's midget friend's name?
#6. After Susan's dads cabin burned down, what did Susan's family learn about her dad?
#7. Who won the masterbation contest?
#8. What is Kramer's moms name?
#9. What does Kramer give up to help his sperm count?
#10. What kind of affliction does Kramer have that attracts women to him? ( hint: garlic around his neck )
Okay, there you have it ya'll. I hope you enjoy yourselves. I will keep this open till Friday at 5. Good luck. :p :p :p