Maggers Wrote:Did I read the coming attractions correctly? Is the next episode the SERIES finale? Is the series going to end after only two fabulous years? Booooo Hooooo!
I guess the real drama ends with the deaths of Caesar, Marc Anthony and Cleopatra. Octavian goes on to become Caesar Augustus. He brings a hard won peace to his empire and lives for a long time. Not so exciting as the life and times of Caesar et al.
Will Pullo and Vorenas fight one another and die in each other's arms?
Maggers Wrote:Will Pullo and Vorenas fight one another and die in each other's arms?
ccosborne3 Wrote:... I could also see Pullo and Vorenus faking the kids death somehow.
We'll see.
Maggers Wrote:Ahh, Rome, I am mourning your passing already, what a superlative series.
Maggers Wrote:I'm a little late to the party on this one, but I'm catching up. The second season of ROME will begin soon. Tonight, I stumbled on the first 3 episodes of the first year. It was a good time to sit and watch, and so I did. Very enjoyable!
I'll catch up on the rest of the episodes before the second season begins.
I love that the two of the lead women have curly red hair (yup, I'm deeply superficial, I am). Atia is one foxy, cunning, and treacherous babe, and I've only seen 3 episodes. I can't imagine what other trouble she'll cause.
Scott Miller Wrote:I'm really late to the party, but damn is Rome worth it. There is not one thing I don't like about it. Every actor excels; there isn't a single character whose story doesn't intrigue. The production outstanding; everything looks like ancient times to me. But I think the real star of the show is Bruno Heller who spun the Machiavellian plot. I've seen friendly viper pits than the Rome he created.
And I'll have to second Atia being the most cunning bitch ever-she is sublimely wicked.
Maggers Wrote:I loved ROME, loved it! If you've read any of the LOST threads, you know I'm a LOSTmanic - I'm crazy for that show. But for me, ROME is the best TV series ever made.
I agree that there is not a sour note in ROME. It's a sublime series. You will continue to love it, Scott, ROME will not disappoint.