jimbow8 Wrote:Damn these gunnies and their expertise which allows them to get acknowledgements. :p First Ken V, now Biggles.
Congrats to Biggles!
Actually, Ken got a kudo as well. He's more of a gunny than I am. I just happen to carry the same guns as Jack does: a Glock 19 as primary and a Kel-Tec P11 for more discrete situations. And Paul probably only contacted me about a judicial question because I'm the only retired judge on the board. Still, I did enjoy my 15 seconds of "fame".
I must say though, that my only disappointment in Infernal is that Jack and I no longer have the same "everyday" beer (Rolling Rock). Can't complain about his replacement; I've had it before (in fact at WDW with Paul), but I don't find it this far West of Philly. Wish I could find Genny Cream Ale this far West too, but I digress.