Quote:Actually, he does. If you have read any of the first books in the series, you'll notice that when he works out on the roof of his apt. building, he often practices Tae Kwon Do until he's a sweaty mess. Now, granted, TKD isn't Gong Fu--it isn't even Chinese, it's Korean--but it is an eastern martial art and Jack does use it (although not exclusively since we have plenty of examples of old-fashioned NYC ass-kickings, too).
I'm quoting here:
"The original meaning of the term Karate was "T'ang Hand", Te meaning hand and Kara an ideogram to describe the Chinese T'ang." (Tang was an ancient Chinese dynasty (618-907), sorta the Chinese equivalent of the Renaissance.)
Same thing with Korean Tang Soo Do, it literally means: Way of the Tang Hand. Yet if you want to push it, Chinese martial arts have definite Buddhist ties, which come from India, which in turn could have been connected to Greek sports...it goes on and on. Which is why life is interesting.
In any case, I agree with this statement on the same site: "For one style, country or organization to argue with another over what the true roots of the martial arts are is as silly as two fleas fighting over who owns the dog that they both live on." Though I don't think martial arts should be compared to fleas...
And my original point was that hey, since it's filming in China, they might take advantage of that fact.

Nothing more, nothing less. I look forward to any ass-kicking by Jack, though it's always nice for him to have an equally worthy, honorable albeit crazy opponent, which I thought Kusum was and hope he'll remain.
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[SIZE="1"]To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting." -- Sun Zi
[COLOR="Green"]Django: This is the way things are; you can't change nature.
Remy: Change IS nature, Dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.
Django: Where are you going?
Remy: With luck, forward.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]"The thing I treasure most in life / Cannot be taken away..."[/SIZE]