KRW Wrote:And remember, all these Jack novels take place before Reprisal where he was a collage student! KRW
KRW Wrote:Spoilers on Reprisal, Read at your own risk!!!!I think she is referring to Queen of the Damned, which SUCKED!!
Ah Maggers, he was no vampire in "The League of Extrordinay Gentlemen". I'm not sure what he was, (but he was immortal until he looked at his self portrait that aged while he didn't) He was Dorian Grey, I believe. Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong.
Actually, I think he would make a great R- guy. I'd rather have Jonny Depp though! And remember, all these Jack novels take place before Reprisal where he was a collage student! He can make himself look like anything, (maybe that's why we all picture him differantly). If you don't belive me, Ask Mrs Lom!
KRW Wrote:Ah Maggers, he was no vampire in "The League of Extrordinay Gentlemen".
Scott Miller Wrote:I roomed across the hall from him my freshman year and the guy could work miracles with just a few pictures and bubblegum. Mean scrapbooker too.
Maggers Wrote:Jim is correct. I was speaking of "Queen of the Damned," where he played the vampire Lestat. And it totally sucked. Right again, Jim!
KRW Wrote:Told you I wasn't sure.Actually I've never seen "Queen of the Damned",
and after the thumbs down you and Jim both gave it, I doubt I will. But you have to admit that it does look like the charecter Dorian Grey out of the "League of Extrordinary Gentlemen". (although I'm going on a few years memory here)
Maggers Wrote:And I haven't seen "League of Extraordinary Gentleman," so I couldn't say.I found LXG to be a horrible movie also. Maybe not as bad as Queen of the Damned, but I don't think I finished watching either one.
Keith the Elder Wrote:I hear that. I loved those scenes with Kolchak and Vincenzo (Simon Oakland, one of my all time favorite character actors) This will be a hard act to follow!!!
sll Wrote:Of course like anything, it will depend greatly on the writing. Richard Matheson wrote on the original. Great show that got canceled too early.