jimbow8 Wrote:2) the bad guys were the Nazis (greatest bad guys in Hollywood history), Temple's bad guys were......African voodoo guys?? Hell, I don't even remember :p ; 
I'm sorry Jim but I feel you should rethink your statement here. I mean Temple is set in India and India and Africa are two entirely different countries of completely different nationalities. India's part of Asia and the people there are of eastern/ Indo descent. They mostly practice the Hindu religion and such. The people of Africa are usually darker skinned with entirely different facial/ physical characteristics and different cultural backgrounds. Just don't say stuff like this or some people will take offense and take it the wrong way just like I did.
On a related note I wanted to say why I feel Last Crusade is the least of the Indy films for me at least:
- It's derivitive of Raiders: Nazis again, racing them for another biblical artifact again, going through the desert again, etc.
- Boring Villains: The Nazis in Raiders were ferocious, sneaky characters. The Nazis in Last Crusade are a group of bumbling, incompetent clowns. What do we have for villains in this film? Mustached dudes in fezzes? A Nazi General from a Mel Brooks movie? None of whom convey a real threat whatsoever. And for our main villain we get a guy named Walter Donovan who does nothing interesting as a bad guy other than shooting Sean Connery. The guy has no charisma or personality whatsoever.
Brody/Sallah: I'm just not too fond of the way Indy's buddies : Marcus Brody and Sallah are made into bumbling fools for comic relief. I preferred the way they came off in Raiders: a wise mentor/ the best digger in Cairo; respectively. Even Indy is made to look like an idiot. Witness the scenes where he falls down the stairs or it's revelaed he's named after the dog. This just makes the film too jokey for my liking and sucks out any suspense the film might carry.
Action sequences: I find the action in this film (save for the tank) to be rather uninspired and mechanical. They just don't carry the energy or thrills from the first two films. And the film also sports the most dated FX of the trilogy.