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KRW   05-17-2005, 10:50 PM
Ken Valentine Wrote:I'm sure you're right, but still, after seeing Harrison Ford in the part, could you imagine anyone else playing that role? Switch it around. Could you imagine Harrison Ford in a western? Big Grin

I can't.

Ken V.

Actually, yeah I could see the roles reversed.(and I would bet they would still be great movies) Wink But I think, all in all, it worked out just fine! Two of my favorite actors! Although I was a bit dissapointed with "Crossfire Trail", when I watched it the second time, and focussed on Tom's acting instead of the story, It made more of an impression. I also thought he should have played Tell instead of Orrin, but he was true to the part.

Ken Valentine   05-18-2005, 05:38 AM
KRW Wrote:Actually, yeah I could see the roles reversed.(and I would bet they would still be great movies) Wink

At that time, they probably would have. But as I've seen them in those roles for so long, in my mind, they now own them and it would be difficult (again, for me) to imagine them being played by anybody else.

Quote:But I think, all in all, it worked out just fine!

Me too.

Quote:Two of my favorite actors! Although I was a bit dissapointed with "Crossfire Trail", when I watched it the second time, and focussed on Tom's acting instead of the story, It made more of an impression. I also thought he should have played Tell instead of Orrin, but he was true to the part.

Maybe I'm easily entertained, but I liked Crossfire Trail right from the beginning. Quigley, Saber River, Crossfire Trail . . . I like the sense of honor displayed by the characters he portrays.

Ken V.
Ken Valentine   05-18-2005, 05:45 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:He is almost definitely my favorite actor; he's just in so many damn good movies.

He is good, and yes he has. The first movie I remember seeing him in was from that Alistair McLean novel, Force Ten From Navarone

Quote:That works, I guess, but what would happen to the Thailand/Vietnam region?

By the time they're ready to begin filming the RJ movie, I suspect we will already know.

Ken V.
Kenji   05-18-2005, 08:29 AM
Ken Valentine Wrote:He is good, and yes he has. The first movie I remember seeing him in was from that Alistair McLean novel, Force Ten From Navarone

Ken V.

I saw "Force Ten from Navarone",too. I like that movie, but I prefer "The Guns of Navarone".
Kenji   05-18-2005, 08:37 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:Ford was apparently in The Intruders (TV) in 1970 - about the James/Younger gang. He was also in The Frisco Kid in 1979 with Gene Wilder - must be a comedy/western. I haven't seen either of those, though, so I don't know if he plays a "cowboy."

A long time ago(I don't remember when), I saw his Western movie, "Journey to Shiloh". Japanese title was "Texas's seven".

Check this.

BTW, Frisco Kid was very funny movie. I like that one.
smithers52   05-25-2005, 12:41 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:2) the bad guys were the Nazis (greatest bad guys in Hollywood history), Temple's bad guys were......African voodoo guys?? Hell, I don't even remember :p ; Big Grin

I'm sorry Jim but I feel you should rethink your statement here. I mean Temple is set in India and India and Africa are two entirely different countries of completely different nationalities. India's part of Asia and the people there are of eastern/ Indo descent. They mostly practice the Hindu religion and such. The people of Africa are usually darker skinned with entirely different facial/ physical characteristics and different cultural backgrounds. Just don't say stuff like this or some people will take offense and take it the wrong way just like I did.

On a related note I wanted to say why I feel Last Crusade is the least of the Indy films for me at least:

- It's derivitive of Raiders: Nazis again, racing them for another biblical artifact again, going through the desert again, etc.

- Boring Villains: The Nazis in Raiders were ferocious, sneaky characters. The Nazis in Last Crusade are a group of bumbling, incompetent clowns. What do we have for villains in this film? Mustached dudes in fezzes? A Nazi General from a Mel Brooks movie? None of whom convey a real threat whatsoever. And for our main villain we get a guy named Walter Donovan who does nothing interesting as a bad guy other than shooting Sean Connery. The guy has no charisma or personality whatsoever.

Brody/Sallah: I'm just not too fond of the way Indy's buddies : Marcus Brody and Sallah are made into bumbling fools for comic relief. I preferred the way they came off in Raiders: a wise mentor/ the best digger in Cairo; respectively. Even Indy is made to look like an idiot. Witness the scenes where he falls down the stairs or it's revelaed he's named after the dog. This just makes the film too jokey for my liking and sucks out any suspense the film might carry.

Action sequences: I find the action in this film (save for the tank) to be rather uninspired and mechanical. They just don't carry the energy or thrills from the first two films. And the film also sports the most dated FX of the trilogy.
This post was last modified: 05-25-2005, 02:58 AM by smithers52.
Scott Miller   05-25-2005, 01:10 AM
smithers52 Wrote:See, Jim8 I think your an uneducated dumshit or inbred/trailer trash if you prefer :p . Temple is set in India , you know a country in Asia. India is not located in Africa (a different continent) you moron. The people from both locales are entirely different both in appearance (just cause their both dark-skinned doesn't make them the same, dumbass), religion and culture. I suggest reading books (educating yourself) or thinking first before making yourself sound like a jackass. Prick.

Not that Jim needs anyone defending him, but we try to act more civilly to one another around here. You obviously didn't read the entire thread or you would have seen where Jim addresses his own comments. You bring up some good points about The Last Crusade, but they are lost by this crap above.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
Maggers   05-25-2005, 01:17 AM
Welcome to the board Smithers.

But I shall echo Scott here. One of the things FPW insists on is that we not attack one another. We can disagree with someone's point of view till the cows come home. Spirited debates are encouraged. Name calling is not.

There is a latin phrase which I can't remember that FPW uses to make this point. Anybody recall what it is? Latin for something like "don't attack the man."

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

Scott Miller   05-25-2005, 01:33 AM
Maggers Wrote:There is a latin phrase which I can't remember that FPW uses to make this point. Anybody recall what it is? Latin for something like "don't attack the man."

Ad hominem? or something like that.


Jesus died for your sins, get your money's worth. Chad Daniels
Ken Valentine   05-25-2005, 02:28 AM
smithers52 Wrote:See, Jim8 I think your an uneducated dumshit or inbred/trailer trash if you prefer :p . Temple is set in India , you know a country in Asia. India is not located in Africa (a different continent) you moron. The people from both locales are entirely different both in appearance (just cause their both dark-skinned doesn't make them the same, dumbass), religion and culture. I suggest reading books (educating yourself) or thinking first before making yourself sound like a jackass. Prick.

This goes both ways fella. You should have read more of the thread (educating yourself) first before making yourself sound like a . . . "jackass" . . . did you say?

Quote:See I'm gonna sway from the popular opinions of Indy. I think Last Crusade is the weakest of the three films for the following reasons:

At least you have the sense to realize that these are opinions (as are yours) and not facts.

Jim and I disagree on TEMPLE OF DOOM, but we both realize that these are merely matters of taste, and not matters of right and wrong.

Quote:- Indy is made to look like a jackass: He falls down the stairs in the castle and it's revealed that he's named after the dog.

George Lucas' dog as a matter of fact. Did you know that George Lucas had a dog named Indiana? That Lucas and Spielberg are pals?

Hells bells, all three movies are spoofs. Don't take them so dregging seriously!

And don't attack somebody on a mere matter of taste. That makes you look like a . . . what term did you use . . . "prick?"

Ken V.
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