Medusa Wrote:Has anyone ever watched the New Battlestar Gallactica on Sci-Fi? I used to watch the original a long time ago (well not that long ago, a I am not that old - ha ha). But it was a long time ago. I can barely remember the character names. Is the new one any good? Is is worth watching? I ask because the next Big Paintball Scenario is based on it. "The 13th Tribe of Kobul". I don't even know what a Kobul is. Is it Cylon? I guess I need to brush up on it. Figures they pick a topic I don't know anything about. Should I get the DVD's of the show or should I just go to the website and read the summaries?
Medusa Wrote:Has anyone ever watched the New Battlestar Gallactica on Sci-Fi? I used to watch the original a long time ago (well not that long ago, a I am not that old - ha ha). But it was a long time ago. I can barely remember the character names. Is the new one any good? Is is worth watching? I ask because the next Big Paintball Scenario is based on it. "The 13th Tribe of Kobul". I don't even know what a Kobul is. Is it Cylon? I guess I need to brush up on it. Figures they pick a topic I don't know anything about. Should I get the DVD's of the show or should I just go to the website and read the summaries?
Scott Miller Wrote:I have been wanting to watch this show for a long time but I was too cheap to buy it and I couldn't find it available to rent anywhere until Blockbuster(yeah I still go-I need to inspect the DVD boxes)finally put them on their shelves a couple of months ago. I just finished Season 1 and was generally excellent. I thought the writing and acting were top notch.
And Tricia Hefner is the sexiest woman to grace the screen in some time(she should have been a 10, not a 6) and her story with Baltar was my favorite part of the season.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:Better than Star Trek TOS?:mad:
Think carefully, my brother!
Kenji Wrote:Oh, don't be angry, Mike. I like TOS.
But Tricia wasn't in TOS. :p