Ken Valentine Wrote:The way I read it, "Weapons of Mass Destruction," is something that other countries have. American politicians don't refer to this countries stocks of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological weapons as WMD's. Why is that?
Ken V.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:We certainly have WMD, Ken. Difference is, we're the good guys. We really are.
Ken Valentine Wrote:No thanks, Ken. I'm not buying.If anyone truly believes that, I have a wonderful bargain for them . . . no checks please, cash . . . and in small bills.
Ken V.
jimbow8 Wrote:No thanks, Ken. I'm not buying.
I still think we are the better guys. The good guys is becoming debatable.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:In an imperfect world, Jimbow, the distinction between better and downright bad is an important one.But the 'good guys' don't get carte blanche. The good guys have to act like good guys. The end DOES NOT justify the means.
jimbow8 Wrote:But the 'good guys' don't get carte blanche. The good guys have to act like good guys. The end DOES NOT justify the means.
BTW, what are we talking about again?
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:No arguement, Jimbow. But the good guys =try= to be on the side of the Lord. They may be imperfect, but they try. The bad guys, on the other hand...OOOHH! That is a very debatable side to be on. The horrors which have been commited in the name of the Lord/religion are nearly endless. Are you sure you want to bring religion into the mix?
jimbow8 Wrote:OOOHH! That is a very debatable side to be on. The horrors which have been commited in the name of the Lord/religion are nearly endless. Are you sure you want to bring religion into the mix?
jimbow8 Wrote:OOOHH! That is a very debatable side to be on. The horrors which have been commited in the name of the Lord/religion are nearly endless. Are you sure you want to bring religion into the mix?
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:We certainly have WMD, Ken. Difference is, we're the good guys. We really are.