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IAmSpartachris   04-05-2005, 12:21 AM
Hey all,

This is my first post here on the forums, so forgive me if this has already been discussed.

My first introduction to FPW, and more specifically to Repairman Jack came in the mid 90's. I was working a second job at one of those one hour photo counters in a department store. As you can imagine, I had a lot of downtime, and as I am a voracious reader who tears through anywhere from 3-5 books a week, I took advantage of that time to absorb even more.
Well, one particularly slow day, I found myself in the odd position of not having a book with me, so I sauntered over to the paperback rack, and after about 5 minutes of perusing the choices, my hand fell upon a copy of "The Tomb". I read the blurb on the back cover and was instantly intrigued with the concept. So after purchasing my new find, I returned to my post amidst the photo processing fumes, leaned back against the counter and cracked that puppy open.
Before even finishing the first page I was hooked. By the end of my shift I was three quarters of the way through the book. I was so deeply involved in the story that when it came time to clock out and go home, I simply took the book out to the break area, sat down and didn't budge until I had finished it.
Instantly, I had to have more Jack. Heading back to the paperback rack I was disappointed to find that there were no other FPW books in attendance. So, off to the local bookstore chain I went. The store only had two FPW books in stock at that time. One was "The Keep". I remembered seeing the movie in the 80's, and being fascinated by the concept of Nazis and vampires, but didn't remember much about it beyond that. The other book they had in stock was to my delight, "Legacies", another Repairman Jack novel! I greedly grabbed them both up and made my way home for a weekend of F Paul Wilson goodness.
Anyway, that is how I first became aware of FPW and the man we affectionately call Jack. Since that Time I have read every FPW book I can get my hands on. Some of them several times. And of course, I find myself eagerly awaiting each new installment in Jack's story.
So with that said, I am delighted to be amongst fellow connoisseurs and paragons of good taste. I look forward to meeting and chatting with many of you in the future. And if you haven't done so already, please feel free to share your story of how you discoverd FPW's work, and our friend Jack. In fact, even if you have shared that story before, share it again now. Heck, I'm new here. Humor me.

This post was last modified: 04-05-2005, 12:24 AM by IAmSpartachris.

The problem with doing nothing, is not knowing when you're finished.
Weatherford   04-05-2005, 04:21 AM
I managed to get hooked on FPW long before Jack was around.

When I read an author I enjoy, I tend to seek out his or her other books. The problem was, when I first read Healer - borrowed from the Hunterdon County Library during summer vacation, it WAS the only book by FPW. I was definitely hooked, and grabbed each new book as I found it. I evened got a grad school colleague hooked on La Nague a few years later!

I would probably never have read any of the RJ books had they not been by Paul, and thus on my "must read anything he writes" list! (I tend to avoid horror books and films... :o )

Of course, the web makes it so much easier now to find books by a favorite author!
Jay #1   04-05-2005, 06:01 AM
My first one was Conspiracies which I found in a used book store. Then I bought Legacies at Books A Million. Finally I picked up The Tomb at Barnes and Noble. And around 4 years ago, I finally read The Keep.

Weatherford Wrote:I managed to get hooked on FPW long before Jack was around.

When I read an author I enjoy, I tend to seek out his or her other books. The problem was, when I first read Healer - borrowed from the Hunterdon County Library during summer vacation, it WAS the only book by FPW. I was definitely hooked, and grabbed each new book as I found it. I evened got a grad school colleague hooked on La Nague a few years later!

I would probably never have read any of the RJ books had they not been by Paul, and thus on my "must read anything he writes" list! (I tend to avoid horror books and films... :o )

Of course, the web makes it so much easier now to find books by a favorite author!
Dalt   04-05-2005, 07:54 AM
I discovered FP 'Dubya' over 20 years ago when I found what is still my favourite story of his. I've probably read Healer 15 times now and each time I go back to it I get shivers down my spine. Why it isn't a major Hollywood blockbuster yet, I'll never know. It is probably sitting on some LA slouch's desk in the middle of a bunch of beaurocratic red tape or an inter company petty squabble.
Jack is completely absorbing too and FP is not writing them fast enough for my liking.
I'm re reading some of his horror at the mo too, having just finished Implant and a couple of the other medical intrigues.
He's a talented bugger for sure and I wait with baited breath for Jack's next outing.
Welcome on board
jimbow8   04-05-2005, 09:10 AM
I picked up a copy of The Keep after watching the movie sometime in the early 90's. I then discovered and read the entire Adversary Cycle. A couple years later, after rereading it, I discovered that FPW was continuing the RJ series with Legacies and have since been reading his work.

Welcome to the board, Spartachris.

Welcome back, Dalt. Where have you been?

The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. ... The piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
~ Howard Phillips Lovecraft
stacyzinda123   04-05-2005, 09:30 AM
IAmSpartachris Wrote:Hey all,

This is my first post here on the forums, so forgive me if this has already been discussed.

And if you haven't done so already, please feel free to share your story of how you discoverd FPW's work, and our friend Jack. In fact, even if you have shared that story before, share it again now. Heck, I'm new here. Humor me.

Welcome, Spartachris. I first read The Keep about 4 years ago. My dad read it ages ago and loved it. It's the only book I've ever seen him recommend to anyone else and he reads a lot. But, since he wanted everybody to read the Keep, he let one too many people borrow it and never got it back. So for his birthday one year I picked up a copy for him and he loved it. The first thing he did was give it back to me and tell me to read it. I did and was instantly hooked. At the time I was reading a lot of Dean Koontz and Stephen King and, to me, The Keep was in a class all on its own. It was the first book that actually scared me. So, I started buying the rest of the Adversary cycle, which I didn't know existed before that. My dad's old copy of the Keep was the old edition and didn't list all the new stuff in the front. I've read everything by FPW since then and can't get enough. On a side note, I never went back to Koontz or King.
Kenji   04-05-2005, 10:09 AM
IAmSpartachris Wrote:Hey all,

This is my first post here on the forums, so forgive me if this has already been discussed.


Quote:Welcome to the board, Spartachris. Hey, it's nice name! Smile

My first one was "The Tomb". I found it in my neighbour's book store. At first sight, I bought it. Before that, I didn't know about author F.Paul Wilson. And, Since then, I'm crazy about his books.

I posted about first RJ book, so let me add about AC.

After I bought The Tomb, then I found out The Keep. I already saw The Keep movie, a long time ago. So I don't remember the detail. When I read The Keep, I remember I felt shock. Vampire and Nazi, it frightened me. Then next I read Night World.........yeah, I know. I guess you wanna say, "Why did you skip Reborn and Reprisal?" But that has reason. At that time, Reborn and Reprisal was not published yet. After I read Night World, then Reborn and Reprisal has published in Japan. That's strange, huh? But this is true. Rolleyes
This post was last modified: 04-11-2005, 10:30 AM by Kenji.
nijimeijer   04-05-2005, 10:29 AM
jimbow8 Wrote:I picked up a copy of The Keep after watching the movie sometime in the early 90's. I then discovered and read the entire Adversary Cycle. A couple years later, after rereading it, I discovered that FPW was continuing the RJ series with Legacies and have since been reading his work.

Oddly, my story is exactly the same as far as timeline and order goes. I watched The Keep with my sister, as we had a "Friday Night Bad Horror Movie" arrangement. We didn't exactly think much of the movie, but I remembered "Huh. I think I've seen the book version of this in my parents' library." Lo and behold, there it was. Read it. Loved it. Moved on to The Tomb, The Touch and more from there.

Throughout our history there are those ghosts
Compelled to illustrate our dreams and hopes
Victors hang in pictures, losers from ropes.
Regardless they all swing in the same boat.
Dalt   04-05-2005, 01:52 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Welcome back, Dalt. Where have you been?
Mainly out of the country working and trying to make up for being away by doting on my kids a little, bud, but I'm back; till the next project that takes me a way I guess. Nice to see the site has picked up a few more FP Dubya fans in my absence.
Tony H   04-05-2005, 03:48 PM
I was assigned a week-long after school detention for fighting. Detention was held in the library and Mr. Sledge, the librarian, suggested that I check out a book and get comfy because I had nothing but spare time for the week.

I was looking through the school library and came across The Keep. I had remembered a friend telling me about the movie earlier that month and I wondered if it was the book based upon the movie. So I started reading it and was instantly hooked. I then went on mission to collect every book I could find by the author.

I had collected up to Reprisal and then the unthinkable happened. It ended with a cliffhanger. I could not find the conclusion anywhere, as it had yet to be written. I waited and shopped around and sick and tired of awaiting the next installment I did what any obsessed fan would do. That's right..I began writing the conclusion.

I had about 60 pages typed when i entered the B. Dalton in the mall and found Nightworld sitting on the shelf. Eager I flipped open the cover and was thrilled to find that it was indeed the conclusion to the AC. Then I was overcome with a bitter rage. "That bastard stole my thunder!" (No offense Paul.) And even more insulting was that it was so much better than MY story.

I am over it now...sort of.

But I have been hooked ever since. Even bounced a check to buy several of his books. That's how dedicated I am. And in a few more years that bounced check should be off my credit report.

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