thisisatest Wrote:Steve D
I love movies. I love posting about them and reading about them. However, I wasn't sure if you liked the movie or not. I am ambivalent about going to see this movie because I heard the ending set up a sequel rather than lead to a real ending, per se. I'll go see it if you liked it.
On a separate note: Many people say that they'll wait for the video. For me, if I wouldn't see it at the theatre, I wouldn't rent it either. I'd just read the movie summary on some website. Anyway, eagerly awaiting a nudge to go or not go to see it. Thanks either way.
ARRGH! That is too much pressure!
First of all let me say that I tend to like most movies and horror/thrillers in particular. I generally give a lot of leeway to a movie and try not to nitpick every little detail. That is not to say that on occasion some movies just become ridiculous to a point that I can't go along with it. Or other times my mood is just in conflict with the movie. For instance, I cannot recommend The Forgotten to anyone. That movie just broke the bounds of absurdity to me.
As far as Hide and Seek..... It depends on the type of movie-goer you are. Since you say that you love movies, I would probably recommend it. Unless you mean you love movies to a point that if some presents one that is less than perfect you feel it is a slight to "movies" as a whole.

It doesn't seem like that is what you mean. As I said, it isn't horribly original; I was reminded of several movies though I can't put my finger on many of them. I guess in that sense, it is successful.
As for the ending..... If this were an action movie, then, yes, I would say that the ending may possibly be setting up a sequel. But a horror movie IMO is not necessarily hindered (and in many cases is actually improved) by having that monkey wrench thrown in at the end to make the audience wonder. A perfect horror movie (again IMO) leaves an opening at the end; it doesn't tie up all the loose ends into a nice happy ending. You are not supposed to leave a horror movie feeling relaxed and calm like everything has worked out fine. That is what love stories are for.

(Same holds true for a thriller, which I think would be a better description of this movie.)
Have I just rambled on incoherently?!?!