fpw Wrote:Catwoman.
I mean, it looks like they were trying to make a bad movie. Halle's hip-swinging fashion model walk whenever she's in that ridiculous costume* is...is...
I'm at a loss for words.
And her cat mannerisms are...are...
There I go again.
I knew it would be bad -- I confess to masochistic tendencies where movies are concerned) -- but not this bad.
*Even her leather getup can't save it.
One of my staff at work, Grady Feldgus, is a film-making guy himself, and he sees =everything= that comes out. I asked him about CATWOMAN. He sighed. "Bluesman, give me $90 million, and I'll give you =90= good films. This...this..." (We can trust Grady; he pounds the skins in a band that plays out. The Burroughs--good, tight little band. And they do a cover of the Kinks' "I'M NOT LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE," so their taste is beyond question.)