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APhew   10-05-2006, 01:42 PM
jacobm Wrote:I read "Monster Island", the authors name escapes me I think it is Wellington. Good flesh eating zombie story located in Manhatten.

David Wellington. And the followup: "Monster Nation" is now out!
Biggles   10-05-2006, 04:17 PM
jimbow8 Wrote:Did Shocklines send that to you too? They sent it to me, but I haven't gotten to it yet.

They may have. I can't honestly recall how I got it; I don't remember how I got iit, but since my "mini-stroke" last Fall, i don't trust my memory. :confused:

"I don't always carry a pistol, but when I do, I prefer an East German Makarov"
NewYorkjoe   10-05-2006, 05:38 PM
One that I've read numerous times. And, I even bought a second copy just to loan to friends; "Boy's Life" by Robert R. McKammon.

This book puts Steven King way in the shade! It has everything!, murder mystery, haunted hot rod story, KKK, river monster, prehistoric creature, mysticism and voodoo, "Stand By Me"-type young boy coming of age, and it all comes together, all these various threads. There is literally so much story packed in this cover, enough for four novels. I think it is his best work.
ccosborne3   10-05-2006, 09:16 PM
NewYorkjoe Wrote:One that I've read numerous times. And, I even bought a second copy just to loan to friends; "Boy's Life" by Robert R. McKammon.

I never liked Boys Life though I'm a big Mccammon fan. If anybody is looking for a good book pick up Speaks The Nightbird By Mccammon. It came out a few years back and went largely unnoticed. It's perfect for Halloween. It's about a witch trial in the 1700's. Really excellent book. Compare it with his earlier works and you can see how far he's come along as a writer. It's like night and day. I wish he published more. The guy turned into Thomas Harris.
KRW   10-05-2006, 09:37 PM
NewYorkjoe Wrote:One that I've read numerous times. And, I even bought a second copy just to loan to friends; "Boy's Life" by Robert R. McKammon.

This book puts Steven King way in the shade! It has everything!, murder mystery, haunted hot rod story, KKK, river monster, prehistoric creature, mysticism and voodoo, "Stand By Me"-type young boy coming of age, and it all comes together, all these various threads. There is literally so much story packed in this cover, enough for four novels. I think it is his best work.

Someone mark this down on a calender.

I agree with Joe 100%!!!!!

Thanks to Kenji, I picked this gem up in my local used bookstore. And because it was so well written, I haven't started a new book yet. I'm still savoring the memory of this one. I also thank McKammon for bringing back the wonder and magic of a boys life.

Kenji   10-06-2006, 09:24 AM
KRW Wrote:Thanks to Kenji, I picked this gem up in my local used bookstore. And because it was so well written, I haven't started a new book yet. I'm still savoring the memory of this one. I also thank McKammon for bringing back the wonder and magic of a boys life.


You're welcome, Ken. I'm glad to hear that.

And.........(in whisper voice) [SIZE="1"]He is McCammon, not McKammon. Wink [/SIZE]
Kenji   10-06-2006, 09:33 AM
Well known most popular horror authors are King, Koontz, Matheson, McCammon, and our F. Paul Wilson.

But! But but but.....I pick another one. His name is Ramsey Campbell. "The Nameless" and "The doll who ate mother" were too horrible! Feels like a straight to nightmare. :eek:
tenebroust   10-11-2006, 12:01 AM
There have been many suggestions thrown out by the highly knowledgeable folks here! I'll just add a few footnotes as to what I read and have just finished reading. I love all of the authors in the original, and "new" Lovecraft Circle. Robert M. Price is a very good one. I quintuple the huzzahs for Richard Laymon, his writing is tremendous and I've read a lot of his books, none have disappointed me. I just finished "Into the Fire". Jack Ketchum is very good, Bentley Little also quite good, and Graham Masterton, a very gifted writer.

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BEJimFPaulFan   10-16-2006, 10:45 AM
Survivor by J.F. Gonzalez

Never read anything like it before and may never again. No matter how disgusted I became while reading the book, I Couldn't put it down. Gonzalez is a man on the rise!
Bluesman Mike Lindner   10-16-2006, 12:30 PM
BEJimFPaulFan Wrote:Survivor by J.F. Gonzalez

Never read anything like it before and may never again. No matter how disgusted I became while reading the book, I Couldn't put it down. Gonzalez is a man on the rise!

Still like to go back to Lovecraft, bro. Many have tried to match him, few have succeeded.
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