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joka221   01-01-2006, 06:30 AM
I think Tim Daly would be perfect playing the Repairman Jack character, he is so diverse with the characters he has played in the past and he is so believable with them all. Also, with all his different characters good and bad he brings a sex appeal without even trying. Smile
Mike   01-01-2006, 11:25 AM
nonsun blob a Wrote:i think john cusack would be the best choice, to be honest. he's got a good action AND emotional movie background, and can obviously handle the quirky humor. but in the name of god, and this is to you, god, PLEASE don't cast anyone mentioned in the first post of this thread.

Aww, C'mon. I just named those guys from "That '70's Show" as a joke. Only in a world ruled by Rasalom would any of those guys make it in "The
Repairman Jack" movie. However, I stand by my choices of either Edward Norton or Keifer Sutherland taking on the role of Jack. After more careful consideration I have dumped Matt Damon from my list of choices.
GunsSaveLives   01-02-2006, 05:25 AM
alien_yet_familiar Wrote:"Watchers" (the one with the smart dog, Einstein) was made into four movies ( I, II, III, and Reborn ) released in 1988, 1990, 1994, 1998, respectively, none of which do the book justice or are worth watching.

"Mr. Murder" was a TV mini-series in 1998. I think one of the Baldwins was the main character. Also not worth watching.

"Intensity" was also made into a TV mini-series in 1997. This one was spectacularly done. John C. McGinley's portrayal of Edgler Vess was chilling. Definitely worth watching if you can find it (I can't!).

"Hideaway" was done in 1995, and starred Jeff Goldblum and Alicia Silverstone. Not a bad jump from book to screen, but not the best.

"Phantoms" was released in 1998, starring Ben Affleck and Rose McGowan. Fairly true to the novel, not a bad movie.

"The Servants of Twilight" was released in 1991. Not a bad adaptation, but with a different (not entirely disappointing) ending.

"The Face of Fear" was released in 1990. I haven't seen this one.

"Sole Survivor" was a TV mini-series in 2000. Haven't seen this one either.

"Whispers" was released in 1989, and again, I haven't seen it.

If anyone knows any more (there are a few concepts and novellas listed at let me know where to find them!

PS: Let's all hope to god that Kutcher isn't Jack!

The Koontz book that I'd go see as a movie would be Dark Rivers of the Heart - kind of an antithesis of the Mack Bolan series.

If Hollyweird does decide to make an RJ movie, they should pay FPW a million or three for an original script that stands on its own (and as a book, too). Otherwise the studio staff might be tempted to rewrite the story a bit.

For example, check out the two Punisher flicks - Frank Castle was never a cop in any of the comics those two wastes-of-footage were based on, yet in the first one (with Dolph Lundgren), he starts off with a local PD. In the second one (with Thomas Jade), he starts off as some kind of fe(de)ral agent.

Other examples are the X-Men movies - the production crew crammed thousands of pages of backstory into ~ 30 minutes of story. Let's not even go into the botch job that Verhitler did with Starship Troopers.

Probably the best movements from one medium to another were the way Star Trek and Firefly went from TV to feature films. The crews just picked up the stories where they left off at the end of the TV runs and started from there. They figured that a large portion of the audience was somewhat familiar with the backstory, and that the movie plot would be able to stand on its own.

- Mike Blessing
This post was last modified: 01-02-2006, 05:28 AM by GunsSaveLives.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   01-02-2006, 02:57 PM
GunsSaveLives Wrote:The Koontz book that I'd go see as a movie would be Dark Rivers of the Heart - kind of an antithesis of the Mack Bolan series.

If Hollyweird does decide to make an RJ movie, they should pay FPW a million or three for an original script that stands on its own (and as a book, too). Otherwise the studio staff might be tempted to rewrite the story a bit.

For example, check out the two Punisher flicks - Frank Castle was never a cop in any of the comics those two wastes-of-footage were based on, yet in the first one (with Dolph Lundgren), he starts off with a local PD. In the second one (with Thomas Jade), he starts off as some kind of fe(de)ral agent.

Other examples are the X-Men movies - the production crew crammed thousands of pages of backstory into ~ 30 minutes of story. Let's not even go into the botch job that Verhitler did with Starship Troopers.

Probably the best movements from one medium to another were the way Star Trek and Firefly went from TV to feature films. The crews just picked up the stories where they left off at the end of the TV runs and started from there. They figured that a large portion of the audience was somewhat familiar with the backstory, and that the movie plot would be able to stand on its own.

- Mike Blessing

"Verhitler"--I like that!
Tony H   01-02-2006, 04:35 PM
Movies of dean Koontz books that I have seen:

Watchers (and the subsequent sequels)

Mr. Murder




Sole Survivor

The Funhouse (He actually wrote the book based on the movie)

That's all I can remember.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
Bluesman Mike Lindner   01-02-2006, 07:36 PM
AsMoral Wrote:Movies of dean Koontz books that I have seen:

Watchers (and the subsequent sequels)

Mr. Murder




Sole Survivor

The Funhouse (He actually wrote the book based on the movie)

That's all I can remember.

Or all, AsMoral, they will =allow= you to remember. Heh-heh-heh...
Annice Burdeos   01-04-2006, 10:10 PM
Mike Wrote:undefinedundefinedundefined

I just want some reassurances (hopefully from FPW himself) that the following
people will not be allowed to play Repairman Jack:

1) Topher Grace!!!!
2) Ashton Kutcher!!!!
3) That guy who plays Fez on "That 70's Show".

I am glad he said it wasn't Frankie Muniz (boy, talk about a miss cast!).

My personal choices for the role would start with Edward Norton, followed
by Kiefer Sutherland and Matt Damon. I know these guys are all in their
early to late thirties, but they fit the Repairman Jack character from the
books far better than any other mid-twenties aged actors.

On the other hand at least we don't have to worry about Keanu Reeves
taking on the role.

Topher Grace is busy filming Spiderman 3 as one of the lead villains and if Jack is given ago sooner rather than later, this would effectively eliminate Grace from consideration
jackthegiantkiller   01-11-2006, 08:35 PM
Ahh , books into movies.

Best King book/movie IMHO would have to be Shawshank Redemption. With Carrie and Christine following...

Vampire$ by John Steakley is a classic case of good story, poor movie.
With Steakley's homage to Heinlein in "Armour" maybe we will get lucky and somebody with a little faith in the story can bring that one to film.

Speaking of faith in the story, have read on fpw's news the rewrites in Hwood stand at what? 10? 11? now.. yoiks, how many till they come back to the original vision? har har.

As this is my first day, plz forgive a mb newbie any faux pas, but how cool is this that there is actual , i say ACTUAL interaction with an author? This rocks. Period. . .

Spotted on an urelated thread, the name Laurell K Hamilton, very cool as well.

SO! the guy to play jack, yah toughie, but i gotta give the nod to the earlier suggestion of Ed Norton. Excellent actor. I think he has the range. Gonna have to swing from vulnerability to god of war/rage.

By the way, have they sized up a rubber suit to make anyone into a rakosh yet?
Mike   01-12-2006, 11:16 AM
Annice Burdeos Wrote:Topher Grace is busy filming Spiderman 3 as one of the lead villains and if Jack is given ago sooner rather than later, this would effectively eliminate Grace from consideration

I'm only kidding about Topher Grace, but Spiderman 3 could easily be in post production by the time the RJ movie gets going effectively allowing Topher to play RJ.
Kenji   01-12-2006, 11:18 AM
jackthegiantkiller Wrote:By the way, have they sized up a rubber suit to make anyone into a rakosh yet?

Maybe..........Andy Serkis? Golum, Kong, and Rakosh. I think he can play perfectly Rakosh. Big Grin
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