maxplay Wrote:Does anyone remember The Sixth Sense with Gary Collins? They later would rerun episodes as part of Night Gallery. Most of you have probably seen Darren McGavin in Kolchak: the Night Stalker, but does anyone remember The Outsider? His character was very similar to James Garner's a few years later in The Rockford Files.
Gerald Rice Wrote:When I was little in the mid-80s there were a few shows I loved that no one seems to remember. Sci-Fi has since rebroadcast episodes of Manimal, but there were also two other shows, Automan and Misfits of Science (starring Courtney Cox and Kevin Peter Hall) that no one seems to remember. Automan was a computer character brought to life by his creator and Cursor could turn into any vehicle. Misfits of Science was a bunch of young X-Men types and the coolest one was this guy who could shoot electricity from his hands. Kevin Peter Hall is this 7' tall guy who could shrink himself and I forget what Courtney Cox could do. But anyone else remember these or have their own no one else remembers?Courtney Cox's character was telekinetic.
Maggers Wrote:I'm trying like crazy to remember "The Outsider." I just know that somewhere in the late '60's I ran across Darren McGavin and developed a huge crush on him (I was very prone to crushes as a teenager) and it must have been from this series. But I can't place it in my mind's eye. He was a private eye, right?
maxplay Wrote:He was a private eye and an ex-con. The show would always start out (and usually end) with him getting screwed somehow. The one beginning I remember is he was calling to complain about a bucket of chicken he bought that was all necks! I think he might have kept his phone in the fridge. Like you said, it was back in the 60's and I was probably only 6 or 7 years old, so I don't remember a lot except liking it.
cyber-jack Wrote:I remember a couple of strange shows from my youth, but couldn't give you the names if my life depended on it. These shows ran weekday afternoons on Channel 44 in Northern Illinois, (This eventually became TBS, I believe) as part of the channel 44 fun bunch or something to that effect. The show I remember most clearly was a Japanese show about a family of robotic rockets. The father was a gold rocket and the mother was a silver rocket, the kid was silver as well I think. This was long before Transformers or Power Ranger days, I want to say 1975 or 1976, but it had the same kind of hokey feel to it. The other show was along the lines of rocket man, but a Japanese version.
Channel 44 was great as a kid. Godzilla movies all the time, creature feature on Saturday afternoon, and Georgia Championship wrestling on Sunday...What more does a five year old need?
cyber-jack Wrote:I remember a couple of strange shows from my youth, but couldn't give you the names if my life depended on it. These shows ran weekday afternoons on Channel 44 in Northern Illinois, (This eventually became TBS, I believe) as part of the channel 44 fun bunch or something to that effect. The show I remember most clearly was a Japanese show about a family of robotic rockets. The father was a gold rocket and the mother was a silver rocket, the kid was silver as well I think. This was long before Transformers or Power Ranger days, I want to say 1975 or 1976, but it had the same kind of hokey feel to it. The other show was along the lines of rocket man, but a Japanese version.