dr_em2001 Wrote:I thought I was getting Maggers'? Maybe it changed. Just let me know.
Maggers Wrote:Lordy, sorry for the confusion guys.
Medusa contacted me first, so I'm sending the book to her. Perhaps Aphew has a copy, as he had suggested that Medusa contact him?
Paul R Wrote:Way to cause a dilemma guys.
First up with a response was Maggers... But Maggers was clearly just showing off because she has more copies of Demonsong than anyone else!![]()
(And is perhaps more forgetful than anyone else too. I mean, to actually forget that 'Beige' had already been ordered? It's nice to know that someone is more forgetful than me!)
And then came Medusa, followed literally seconds later by Biggles. And then loads later by dr_em2001. (Sorry dr_em2001, but you snooze, you lose. I think you already knew that though.![]()
So, who is the winner? (A whole forum inches to the edge of its seat...) Well, through sheer persistence and bloody-minded determination, Biggles wins the book. Although your response was two minutes faster, Medusa, Biggles managed to send me a private message, and email me personally all pretty much at the same time as posting a reply here. (Jeez, Biggles, you really want this book. In fact, the new collective term for a collector should be 'a biggles'. A biggles of collectors. Even has a nice ring to it!)
Sorry Medusa. Perhaps you will win the dual to get Maggers' copy though. (Sorry Maggers, it's your turn for the dilemma.)
Biggles, send me an email with your address and I'll post the book straight out.
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:"Free to a good home" is fine, but you didn't tell trusting Biggles if it's housebroken or not.
Biggles Wrote:I don't care if it pees all over my carpet--I'm willing to give it my unconditional love.
Paul R Wrote:What Biggles doesn't know is I'll be putting the noisier of my two new twins in with the book. She's definitely not housetrained. And hopefully by the time she gets shipped back she'll have calmed down a bit!