Okay, it's May and I promised that if nobody else came forward that I would take over this project. That is, unless Flyboy shows up again and has been working behind the scenes all this time.
It seems that posts that began this thread were lost with the database upgrade earlier this year. From Flyboy's last post it does seem that people were e-mailing him with connections and error's.
****Could any of you who e-mailed Flyboy possibly find those e-mails and re-send them to: [email protected] (Put FPW or Compendium in the Subject so I know it's not junk mail).****
From this point on send all new connections and such to the previous e-mail address. If you would rather, you can PM me here as well.
I'll start collecting the connections into a single document and getting things organized.
My first order of business is to ask for a few volunteers who have read the majority of F. Paul Wilson's work and don't mind seeing how everything connects. I will need you to make sure the connections are accurate or to double-check them for me.
Any volunteers?