fpw   09-01-2014, 08:47 AM
8/1 - nifty review of DARK CITY: http://tinyurl.com/psm5hkl

8/5 - Wait...10,000 people killed annually by SNAILS???... http://fb.me/70a3YhK49

8/7 - Hey, "True Detective" fans: Looks like everything that lifted TD above another ho-hum serial killer story was lifted from Thomas Ligotti. http://lovecraftzine.com/2014/08/04/did-...nd-others/

8/10 - a balanced look at Amazon/Hachette from @LeeGoldberg http://bit.ly/1oBJnDm

8/11 - RIP Robin Williams - MY ROBIN WILLIAMS STORY:
Back in the mid-90s Matt Costello and I were freelancing at Disney Interactive, scripting "MathQuest with Aladdin." The hope, of course, was that Robin Williams would do the Genie's voice and he eventually agreed. We were back East when he came into the studio to do his lines, so we missed the recording session, but we were each sent a copy of the raw tape.

What a revelation. We'd assumed that the animators would choose the Genie's look in a particular scene and Williams would adopt the appropriate accent for the dialogue. Wrong! Williams did every single line in a different accent -- at least four per line -- and rarely the same mix of accents. At times he would stop and say he didn't like the way one came out and would repeat it until he got it the way he wanted. (I should mention that he was sick and running a fever during the session but this was the only window he had to be in the studio, so he hung in there like the proverbial trouper.)

The animators took the tape and chose the accent(s) they thought worked for a particular scene, and illustrated Genie accordingly. (Jonathan Winters also performed on "MathQuest.")

So there's my Robin Williams story: He performed dialogue I co-wrote. (How many degrees of separation is that?)

8/13 - I've found it best to avoid fiction where "luminous prose" is a selling point.

8/15 - A 2-minute Q&A on an Aussie website. Give it a look, mate. http://www.festivale.info/questions/f_paul_wilson2.htm

8/17 - retweeting: “Finished the wayward pines trilogy by @blakecrouch1. bummed it was over. @fpaulwilson then came to my rescue with the The Widow Lindley”

8/18 - RIP Scott McKenzie - (Yes, he died 2 years ago but I just heard.) I like his "Like an Old-Time Movie" (another John Phillips song) better. Great voice. http://tinyurl.com/psoyhoj In case you've never heard "Like an Old-time Movie" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78GxqOoiA50

8/19 - Ya know, I can't put my finger on it, but there's something I like about this DARK DUETS review: http://tinyurl.com/kbo6qb8 (It contains “Renascence” by Rhodi Hawk and me - a zombie story but unlike anything anyone else is doing. I didn't even think of it as a zombie story until Rhodi pointed it out. We've come up with a sociopathic main character who's definitely not a victim of the so-called "Trinity Syndrome." Ton's o' fun. So much so that we plan to continue the story once our schedules allow.

8/22 - Project Pulp has begun an audiobook serialization the entire "SEX SLAVES OF THE DRAGON TONG" triptych: http://tinyurl.com/pk7r3j5

8/24 - if you know a cooler form of graffiti, I’d like to hear it: http://tinyurl.com/pk34bbx

8/28 - UFO caught on tape. Now I believe!!! http://tinyurl.com/mojf9wh

8/30 - Welcome to NY - now go home: The truest (and funniest) NYC tourist video ever. Not kidding. http://tinyurl.com/kmpt77s

"It means 'Ask the next question.' Ask the next question, and the one that follows that, and the one that follows that. It's the symbol of everything humanity has ever created." Theodore Sturgeon.
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