Hi Tony,
Yes, I do realise that. I don't know, is there a reason you thought I didn't understand how stories work? Even if that were so, it doesn't give an answer to the problem I'm raising.
In the world of the novel, both Jack and Glaeken *do* know that Rafe is Rasalom at this point in the story, and are going to rescue Lisl from him. Glaeken has already indicated both that there's nothing he personally can do against Rasalom anymore, and that it's important Rasalom *not* find out he's now enfeebled. So why does he choose to go? My question is: is there a character-based reason for it?
Unfortunately, it does come across as a bit of plot manouvering by the auther that makes no sense in the domain of the story — i.e., there isn't a reason for the characters to do it, other than it's necessary for a plot setup. FPW wanted Rasalom to find out about Glaeken so he could unleash Jack, so he engineered an encounter, but it doesn't ring true for me. I'm trying to find out if anyone else has seen something I didn't (always possible). It *may* be that Glaeken engineers it to accelerate the sift of being The Heir to Jack, but I'm just supposing; it doesn't seem to be clear in the story. And the fact that no-one's jumped in to put that up as a reason suggests it may not be clear to others, either.
I'm not bagging the story, and I'm having to over-explain, which makes me sound dogmatic. I guess I'll assume it's a bit of a plotting flaw, and move on. :-)