Hey All!
New to the site and the forums. I'm a US high school social studies teacher and have been a fan of FPW works for a very long time. When I first read EotS I found that it explained basic concepts of free market capitalism in very easy to understand ways. I've been keeping in the back of my mind for a long time that it would be fun to include the text as a required reading for my econ classes, but I'm not entirely sure how to fit it into the curriculum. I'm kind of looking for some help along these lines. Specifically:
~Is there already 'out there' a teaching syllabus for the book?
~I'd like some involved questions for the reading, what would be a few good examples?
~Apart from quizzes, worksheets, and essay questions, what do you suggest for other assessments?
(I had been thinking about maybe having some of the students act out skits)
~Would it be better as a paper text or e-book?
(Potential costs are important, as are ability to 'loan' copies and possession rights)
~Your general thoughts on this matter are all helpful!
I appreciate any and all assistance on this!
ObRPJ comment: Just finished going through all of my RPJ books and bought the rest on line. Can't wait for them to show up this week!