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Tony H   06-12-2012, 12:20 PM
PicardRex Wrote:Hate to be geeky on you, but Alien was LV-246, Prometheus is on LV-223. This allows for some of the discrepancies you guys mentioned. Also, I read that he hopes to make at least another "prequel" to bridge the gap.

Below be SPOILERS.

One of the glaring problems for me was the events of importance that happened and no one seemed to care. Noomi's surgery, when David sedates her and the others try and transport her, there seems to be a conspiracy to ensure the pregnancy, she gets away, gets rid of it, no one stops tries to stop her, no one says anything afterwards and nobody worries about the thing thrashing around in that room. Secondly, the zombie guy, breaches the ship, kills a few guys and runs rampant in the cargo hold. No one says shit about this afterwards?

Then you have all the stupid stuff, like supposedly trained, intelligent scientists taking their helmets off in an alien environment. A supposed biologist essentially taunting an alien lifeform that seems to be acting aggressively.

I wanted to like it, but it seemed kinda haphazardly edited or written, or both.

I assumed they got the planet name wrong and that it was supposed to be the same planet. The way they set everything up it seemed to imply it was so I just rolled with it.

Yeah, I agree with the inconsistencies. The other glaring one was why have Weyland show up alive just to rub him out less than ten minutes later. Served no purpose whatsoever.

And why the daddy issues. We find out the relationship only to have it brushed aside and never mentioned, like it wasn't important. It certainly provided no explanation for anything.

The more we discuss this the more it seems that it was a wreck of a movie. LOL

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
Fenian1916   06-12-2012, 12:46 PM
Now I don't have to see it LOL

[SIZE=2]"There are many things more horrible than bloodshed; and slavery is one of them."
Padraig Pearse[/SIZE]
cobalt   06-12-2012, 12:55 PM
You could wait for the DVD to come out. lol

Tony H   06-12-2012, 01:25 PM
Fenian1916 Wrote:Now I don't have to see it LOL

The spoilers discussed here aren't really spoilers. There are no major twists that affect the story. Just pieces of information. And therein lies the problem. They should affect the story, but they don't. LOL

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
PicardRex   06-12-2012, 01:48 PM
Tony H Wrote:The spoilers discussed here aren't really spoilers. There are no major twists that affect the story. Just pieces of information. And therein lies the problem. They should affect the story, but they don't. LOL

Exactly again. Thats what I was getting at about the pregnancy thing in particular, no affect on the story whatsoever. Yeah the daddy thing, whats with that line,"Don't all kids want to kill their parents?". I may not like mine at times, but murder wasn't ever really an option. Also, Weyland being there wasn't that much of a surprise, they telegraphed it earlier in the film.

Also, why did the ooze have different effects on different people. It veined out her boyfriend, kind of zombiefied the other guy and impregnated her.
Tony H   06-12-2012, 02:49 PM
PicardRex Wrote:Exactly again. Thats what I was getting at about the pregnancy thing in particular, no affect on the story whatsoever. Yeah the daddy thing, whats with that line,"Don't all kids want to kill their parents?". I may not like mine at times, but murder wasn't ever really an option. Also, Weyland being there wasn't that much of a surprise, they telegraphed it earlier in the film.

Also, why did the ooze have different effects on different people. It veined out her boyfriend, kind of zombiefied the other guy and impregnated her.

I assumed the ooze didn't impregnate her, the fact that it was in her man and they bumped uglys did. Like the Xenomorphs, the gestation period is advanced and a few hours later she was the equivalent of 3 months pregnant. However, what came out of her was a precursor to the face huggers.

The film didn't answer any questions though like how did the face hugger come from the ooze? Since there was no Queen to lay the eggs, the "eggs" in this film appeared to be made by the Engineers and were more containers than anything else. So if no queen existed prior to this film then why was there an image of a Xenomorph in the drawings on the planet.

I assume since this was a different planet after all than the one the Nostromo landed on in "Alien" then perhaps the Xenomorphs took over the Enigneer's home planet and they were looking for a way to harvest the creatures for warefare. Similar to what Weyland Enterprises wants to do in the "Alien" universe.

God, I just confused the shit out of myself, I don't know if that made sense.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
PicardRex   06-12-2012, 03:30 PM
Tony H Wrote:I assumed the ooze didn't impregnate her, the fact that it was in her man and they bumped uglys did. Like the Xenomorphs, the gestation period is advanced and a few hours later she was the equivalent of 3 months pregnant. However, what came out of her was a precursor to the face huggers.

The film didn't answer any questions though like how did the face hugger come from the ooze? Since there was no Queen to lay the eggs, the "eggs" in this film appeared to be made by the Engineers and were more containers than anything else. So if no queen existed prior to this film then why was there an image of a Xenomorph in the drawings on the planet.

I assume since this was a different planet after all than the one the Nostromo landed on in "Alien" then perhaps the Xenomorphs took over the Enigneer's home planet and they were looking for a way to harvest the creatures for warefare. Similar to what Weyland Enterprises wants to do in the "Alien" universe.

God, I just confused the shit out of myself, I don't know if that made sense.

Yeah, I got ahead of myself, it infected him and they did it and the pregnancy was the result of the infected sex. Still doesn't explain why the same goo has different effects on the same people, genetically speaking at least. I suppose the one guy was different because he actually got invaded by the worm which got morphed by the goo.

I assume its about the evolution of the xenos, so maybe the facehugger is the result of the mixing of the goo and human DNA and therefore a queen isn't needed. Although, the pic on the wall invalidates this theory, because if there is a warrior, then it came from an egg, which implies a queen at some point.

Also, come to think of it, what were the engineers running from? If there were proto-xenos in the mound, where were their remains?

I think you're right, the more you analyze the movie the more it falls apart.
Brian   06-12-2012, 07:43 PM
PicardRex Wrote:Yeah, I got ahead of myself, it infected him and they did it and the pregnancy was the result of the infected sex. Still doesn't explain why the same goo has different effects on the same people, genetically speaking at least. I suppose the one guy was different because he actually got invaded by the worm which got morphed by the goo.

Here I thought the goo substance added what was necessary to the host to continue it's own future life. A parasitic entity that needs more building blocks of DNA to become something more advanced and adaptive.

Quote:I assume its about the evolution of the xenos, so maybe the facehugger is the result of the mixing of the goo and human DNA and therefore a queen isn't needed.

I think the creatures are several more steps away from the queen just yet. So there would be the need for another movie, to fill in those steps.
Quote:Although, the pic on the wall invalidates this theory, because if there is a warrior, then it came from an egg, which implies a queen at some point.

Exactly. I think the Company helps that along in it's search for the warrior species. Maybe by infecting another planet to add more DNA to the creature and the queen is the result.

Quote:Also, come to think of it, what were the engineers running from? If there were proto-xenos in the mound, where were their remains?

I think you're right, the more you analyze the movie the more it falls apart.

Maybe the engineers are the mad scientists of their race. Off on their own, playing God by mixing DNA from different worlds.

There is no wise man without fault
cobalt   06-13-2012, 10:29 AM
To believe the premise of this movie...the Engineers are responsible for seeding life through out the universe. So....all the people/creatures would have the same base pair start and then of course the adaptiveness of their own world. It would make it easier for mutations to happen when the DNA mixed. You could take the best from several worlds....and make that killing machine that was Alien.

wdg3rd   06-18-2012, 07:25 PM
cobalt Wrote:To believe the premise of this movie...the Engineers are responsible for seeding life through out the universe. So....all the people/creatures would have the same base pair start and then of course the adaptiveness of their own world. It would make it easier for mutations to happen when the DNA mixed. You could take the best from several worlds....and make that killing machine that was Alien.

Hard enough to mix DNA from different lines even on the same planet. None of my efforts to cross-pollinate sunflowers and venus flytraps have ever worked. (Once I got that right I was going for redwoods, eventually).

Ward Griffiths

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". -- Denis Diderot
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