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Dervish   06-29-2012, 07:55 AM
cjulian Wrote:The problem with most people is that they get so hooked to what others think that they start to move in accordance to what others would like as well. Not quite real and fair to act that way if you ask me.

Instead of taking offense that others didn't like it why don't you do what others have done in this thread and explain WHY you think as you do?

The same day I posted to this thread I also posted to the Avengers and went against popular opinion (note how I did so respectfully and without saying everyone else was wrong) and no one gave me a hard time over it. So there's no reason for you to think they'll give you a hard time for liking it. Just say why. Or heck, just say you liked it and be done with it.

If anyone does give you a hard time for what you posted it will be because of your condescending way of expressing yourself and your having started the personal attacks, not because you liked it.
Tony H   06-29-2012, 03:21 PM
I think Kristen Stewart is horrible. Is it popular opinion? Yes. Is it why I feel that way? No.

I think Kristen is the female equivalent of Keanu Reeves. For some reason she is a box office draw but it is not because she can act. She has two facial expressions. Dour and Solemn. Even in her interviews she is a tool and not at all likeable. The movie suffered in addition to her presence in it. Although, Charlize Theron really saved it from being un-enjoyable.

Even as far back as Panic Room, Kristen was a waste of space and I wanted her character to die in that as well.

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum.”
Certified 100% Serious
Dave618   07-01-2012, 12:32 AM
Tony, have you seen Welcome To The Rileys? I thought Stewart was quite good in it. I've never seen the Twilight films and had no idea who she was when I saw the Rileys. She plays a stripper with a real broken down life. James Gandolfini meets her and starts having paternal feelings for her. He moves in with her and becomes sort of a surrogate father, which bewilders Stewart because she's only used to men wanting sex from her and nothing else.

Rileys was one of those small movies that went under the radar. Not saying it'll change your opinion of her drastically, but you may see a different side to her acting abilities.

As for the majority influencing people's tastes in film: I didn't think The Avengers nor Prometheus was so hot, and when I posted my comments I noticed I was well in the minority. Hey, I calls 'em like I sees 'em. Cool
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