KRW Wrote:That was pretty good. Personally, I've always considered Gollum the well spoken, anorexic little brother of Yoda. I would love to hear those two do a duet sometime. Maybe something along the lines of "Islands In The Stream" or "If I Close My Eye's Forever". That would be epic!
KRW Wrote:That was pretty good. Personally, I've always considered Gollum the well spoken, anorexic little brother of Yoda. I would love to hear those two do a duet sometime. Maybe something along the lines of "Islands In The Stream" or "If I Close My Eye's Forever". That would be epic!
webby Wrote:Adam Savage as Gollum singing "I Will Survive"
That is geek comedy gold right there!
And Ken makes it geek comedy platinum! w0ot!