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ccosborne3   06-15-2011, 07:13 PM
The Mad American Wrote:And I have not seen Burnt Offerings, at least I don't think I have. I will have to check that out on Netflix. Thanks for the heads up.

I've also been championing this movie for years. It's a smart horror film with a tremendous buildup and great payoff.
The Mad American   06-15-2011, 07:18 PM
ccosborne3 Wrote:I've also been championing this movie for years. It's a smart horror film with a tremendous buildup and great payoff.

Well crap, I am going to watch that tonight then, since it is on Netflix streaming. Awesome.

It better be good or I am holding you and Tony responsible for my wasted time.Wink

"No other success can compensate for failure in the home." D.O. McKay

"Never raise your hand to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected."
~ Red Buttons

Too literal? I'm sorry you feel I have a Literal Agenda!

ccosborne3   06-15-2011, 07:29 PM
ccosborne3 Wrote:The Legend of Hell House: if they had kept in the possesion scene from the book it would have been a classic.

Burnt Offerings: takes a little while to get going but once it does it hits you like a ton of bricks. Big Grin

The House on Haunted Hill: The remake was better but the original had some camp value.

That isn't a ton as I previously bragged but it's a start.

Someone was looking for movies way back in 05.
Sigokat   06-15-2011, 07:42 PM
Legally Blonde and Clueless

This is a horror movie thread, right? Big Grin

Major K

"He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a Prince." George Graham Vest

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." - Maurice Maeterlinck
Marc   06-15-2011, 07:59 PM
The Exorcist, The Changeling and In the Mouth of Madness are three of my top picks. The Orphanage is really good too, and Let the Right One In. I also love the original Japanese versions of The Grudge and The Ring.
nonquixote   06-15-2011, 08:07 PM
The Mad American Wrote:I will add "Let the Right One In" as something more recent. I think that movie is brilliant.

I have yet to see the U.S. remake "Let Me In" but I have heard from a pretty reliable source that it holds up really well and in some ways is better than the original. It is in my Netflix queue.
I've seen and liked both, and the American remake does hold up, but I still greatly prefer the original. I thought about including it in my all time faves but it's too recent. In a couple years I'll know more certainly.

One quibble about the American version; It's set in a snowy locale as with the original, so naturally they filmed on location in... New Mexico? Didn't quite work for me.

The Bold Type giveth, the Fine Print taketh away.
Sigokat   06-15-2011, 08:28 PM
Marc Wrote:The Exorcist, The Changeling and In the Mouth of Madness are three of my top picks. The Orphanage is really good too, and Let the Right One In. I also love the original Japanese versions of The Grudge and The Ring.

In the Mouth of Madness is one of my all time favorites. Not sure where in Chi-town you live, but I remember when that movie came out I only heard about it on the radio (no TV or newspaper ads) and the only theater playing it was that old dump in the ghetto part of Hillside on Wolf Rd off of 290.

Major K

"He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a Prince." George Graham Vest

"We are alone, absolutely alone on this chance planet: and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us." - Maurice Maeterlinck
KRW   06-15-2011, 09:45 PM
The first Exorcist, first Jaws, and The Entity. The last one probably spooked me the most because at the time we lived in a house that did some funny things. I've downplayed that house now days as a kids imagination. But when the other siblings start in on that house.....
webby   06-15-2011, 10:44 PM
This is kind of hard - there are so many! Here's a few off the top of my head...


The Thing (the Kurt Russell version)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the Donald Sutherland version)


The Others (spooky ghost story with Nicole Kidman)

Alien and Aliens


Rosemary's Baby

The Exorcist

28 Days Later


The Road (depressing as hell, but excellent)

I Am Legend (Will Smith version)

B Horror movies:

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Anything with Vincent Price

I know there are more, but that's all I can think of right now.

It's Thirteen O'Clock
"I said, Hey Senorita - that's astute, I said, why don't we get together and call ourselves an institute?" --Paul Simon
"In the final analysis, the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves." -- Ron Paul

cobalt   06-15-2011, 10:53 PM
Zombies: The Night of the Living Dead (original)

End of the World: War of the Worlds (original, but the remake wasn't so bad)

Monsters: The Thing (original...and again the remake rocked too.)

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