The Mad American Wrote:And I have not seen Burnt Offerings, at least I don't think I have. I will have to check that out on Netflix. Thanks for the heads up.
ccosborne3 Wrote:I've also been championing this movie for years. It's a smart horror film with a tremendous buildup and great payoff.
ccosborne3 Wrote:The Legend of Hell House: if they had kept in the possesion scene from the book it would have been a classic.
Burnt Offerings: takes a little while to get going but once it does it hits you like a ton of bricks.![]()
The House on Haunted Hill: The remake was better but the original had some camp value.
That isn't a ton as I previously bragged but it's a start.
The Mad American Wrote:I will add "Let the Right One In" as something more recent. I think that movie is brilliant.I've seen and liked both, and the American remake does hold up, but I still greatly prefer the original. I thought about including it in my all time faves but it's too recent. In a couple years I'll know more certainly.
I have yet to see the U.S. remake "Let Me In" but I have heard from a pretty reliable source that it holds up really well and in some ways is better than the original. It is in my Netflix queue.
Marc Wrote:The Exorcist, The Changeling and In the Mouth of Madness are three of my top picks. The Orphanage is really good too, and Let the Right One In. I also love the original Japanese versions of The Grudge and The Ring.