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Srem   05-07-2011, 11:16 PM
sigokat Wrote:Can I list how many ways this movie sucked???


1. Horrible acting all around. Not that ANY of the stars are great, but The Rock is a fairly decent actor and even he seemed very rigid and unbelievable when delivering his lines, especially towards the beginning of the movie.

2. The shootouts. For a minute I thought I was watching a clip from Modern Warfare 2. I guess the best way to draw in the young crowd is to make a movie look like the video games they play. From the "chase" along the rooftops, the "ambush" while going to the airport, to even the clothing, hairstyles, and weaponry of that "elite" team The Rock was leading. All Modern Warfare 2 ripoffs...not to mention their "tactics" real combat team would perform like they did.

3. The cars. It was obvious that Dodge paid to showcase their dying line of vehicles. No Charger, even with a Hemi and the heavy ass frame they are built on could do what it did with the vault, even with two...very very unbelivable to me. As well as the vault staying connected the entire time. That was pretty bad.

4. The fact that we are rooting for the "bad guys" always pisses me off. They are all criminals. Granted they are fighting criminals (they really didn't fight The Rock's team) but still. Pretty poor plot line to me.

5. Predictability. From O'Conner's girlfriend being pregnant (saw it as soon as she looked like she was going to vomit) to the vault switch. As if they wouldn't have gotten a switch done.

There are too many to list...stolen cops cars, going back to the same safe house that The Rock had already been to at the very end (even though he "gave" them 24 hours), remote control cars being controlled MILES away from the safe house, etc etc etc

Overall, I give this 2 out of 10. Just a waste of time.

And IMO, in a real life fight, The Rock would whoop Diesel any day of the week. The Rock is bigger, stronger, faster, and has better training. Diesel is a joke.

Sorry, but this is my opinion of this movie. I'm sure some liked it, but I thought it sucked. And it was funny hearing the morons in the theater being shocked by the switch. It was so obvious I saw it a ways away.

I should have seen Thor.

I consider myself to be fairly open-minded and easily entertained, but I was kinda thinking the same thing. But don't be too hard on me (I was really tired that day); I didn't foresee the vault switch, which means I'm officially fired for being a bad Cassandra...


Witchbreed Book of Dreams
flyingfox   05-08-2011, 03:01 AM
Sig, I did enjoy it, shooting and action thats fine for me.
Having said that I found your post interesting, esp from a military point of view.
Gives me an idea...
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