pennywise969 Wrote:Well, at the very end Rasalom cuts off Jack's hand and reveals that he is Jack's father. Jack says, "That's not true, that's impossible!" and jumps off the platform. He is hanging out at the bottom of the Cloud City when Weezy pulls up in the Millennium Falcon with Chewie and saves him.
How does FPW come up with these ideas?
Seriously though, I am really digging it so far.
I don't have my and Kenji's copies yet....

So there was this broken-down bluesman in a Chinatown internet cafe.
A gentleman in a fine suit addresses him...
"Hey, pal. Want to make some real money?"
"Not a big deal. I see you're on Paul Wilson's board. You like his books?"
"No. I'm a fallen angel. This is part of my penance."
"Yeah. So what's this money you mentioned?"
"I must make sure of one thing first. Who's your favorite author?"
"Depends who's asking."
"I'm asking."
"You said something about money, right?"
"I ask the questions here."
"Well, golly-gee, ain't you special?"
"I'm wasting my time."
"No. You're wasting my time."
"I like that! Here are two fifty dollar bills. They're yours for one answer. Who is your favorite author?"
"Robert Heinlein."
"No. A living author."
"Well now...if I have to think, that costs more."
"How much more?"
"I would say, one million dollars."
"I don't have that much on me."
"Find it, and get back to me."
"One moment... All right, I have it now."
"That's a nice suitcase!"
"It's yours. And the money. Who is your favorite living author?"
"Why do you give a shit? Why is it worth a million to you? And why does your mode of address change with every sentence?"
"To put it in terms your tiny mentality might comprehend, it is a....wager."
"Oh. Some of the Otherness and Ally deal?"
"Yes. Though the contest is fought on in micro and macro dimensions your pitiful race cannot imagine."
"Oh. That snotnose remark just cost you another million, pal. Did I say one? I meant ten million."
"It doesn't matter. Here. Here is twenty million."
"I'm not sure about this. Where did the money come from?"
"Why do you care?"
"Is it yours? Is it your money?"
"Why do you care?"
"Well, either you're counterfeiting it or you're stealing it. I don't care to be associated with either one."
"Are you insane?"
"Maybe. But I don't believe Robert Heinlein would be proud of me if I took bad money like that. Sorry, man. Try elsewhere."
"NOOOOO! it must be =your= opinion!"
"You would not understand."
"Then I'll be moseying on. Nice to meet you. Nice to verify crazy shit is real. But I'll tell you my favorite author. For nothing."
"An 800-foot asteroid is coming to hit Earth, it is not on the plane of the ecliptic, your astronomers have not yet seen it. One month. You will not be able to stop it in that time. But I can. I am. I am changing its vector now. Because I pay for everything I receive. That is a Cosmic Law. You would..."
"Not understand. You know how old this shit is getting?"
"Your author! You must tell me! Value for value!"
"Cosmic dude, Nora Roberts, man. Nora Roberts."
The entity screamed in triumph. And vanished.
Two months later, the new space telescope spotted a pretty big asteroid that almost hit us. Front page news around the world. Everybody marveled at how lucky we were.