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wdg3rd   02-19-2010, 08:59 PM
Bluesman Mike Lindner Wrote:So true! Me, I rely on a Winchester 320 .22 and a Wham-O slingshot as backup.

You could put somebody's eye out. (And that's about all).

Ward Griffiths

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". -- Denis Diderot
KRW   02-19-2010, 09:04 PM
enadmit Wrote:I am so confused! I just finished Secret Circles (So Good!) and when I read The secret History, I see that Reprisal happens AFTER Ground Zero.
Now I know there is a revision for Reprisal BUT, does that mean Jack will be in it? Help!!!:dontknow::dontknow::dontknow:

Jack has nothing to do with "Reprisal". That story is all about Bill during the same time line as Jack during the last couple of novels and probably the next couple. Fortunately they do meet each other in "Nightworld".
KRW   02-19-2010, 09:10 PM
wdg3rd Wrote:You could put somebody's eye out. (And that's about all).

I'll admit they are tinker toys, but they can be deadly none the less. But he won't be holding back the zombie legions with that arsenal when they gain the high ground.
Bluesman Mike Lindner   02-20-2010, 09:33 AM
KRW Wrote:I'll admit they are tinker toys, but they can be deadly none the less. But he won't be holding back the zombie legions with that arsenal when they gain the high ground.

No, I won't. But I'm prepared to die holding Belvadere Castle in Central Park, roaring defiance and scything the zombies down until they overcome me by sheer weight of numbers.
johntfs   02-20-2010, 07:27 PM
Two things: Have Max Brooks come by as a guest star.

Also, since Nightworld will be coming out in 2012, consider referencing the Mayan Calendar stuff. Yes, I know that in real life it's about as significant as your car's odometer rolling over to a big round number (cool but meaningless). That said, it'd mean a winter setting for Nightworld (Mayan end date is Dec. 21, 2012), and that's pretty cool in and of itself
Ken Valentine   02-20-2010, 08:08 PM
KRW Wrote:I'll admit they are tinker toys, but they can be deadly none the less. But he won't be holding back the zombie legions with that arsenal when they gain the high ground.
Not even legions of Jack Rabbits. The Winchester 320 is a .22 caliber bolt action rifle with a standard five round magazine.

Although there was an optional 10-round magazine available, I'll bet that Mike doesn't even have so much as a second five round mag. So he'd have to shoot the five round mag dry, take it out of the rifle, fill it up again with another five rounds and repeat.

Not that he could hit anything if he did shoot it. What do you want to bet that he hasn't fired it in ten years or more. And even then, he was probably limited to slow-fire on stationary targets at 50 feet.

He'd probably be better off using a sling shot.

Ken V.
wdg3rd   02-20-2010, 10:19 PM
KRW Wrote:I'll admit they are tinker toys, but they can be deadly none the less. But he won't be holding back the zombie legions with that arsenal when they gain the high ground.

Or even when they just have the low ground. How deep into the dirt will a .22 round go (and how well can you aim) when a hand has grabbed your foot from under the ground? I doubt enough to affect a zombie's decaying brain. That might work on democrats who stand like deer in the headlights or republicans who assume jesus will save them but it doesn't work on communists or their Afghan enemies and it won't work on zombies.

Oh crap, I was talking about .223, and you only have a .22. Forget about any mention of "might" above and replace it with "won't even". The rest stands.

Ward Griffiths

"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest". -- Denis Diderot
Bluesman Mike Lindner   02-21-2010, 09:37 AM
wdg3rd Wrote:Or even when they just have the low ground. How deep into the dirt will a .22 round go (and how well can you aim) when a hand has grabbed your foot from under the ground? I doubt enough to affect a zombie's decaying brain. That might work on democrats who stand like deer in the headlights or republicans who assume jesus will save them but it doesn't work on communists or their Afghan enemies and it won't work on zombies.

Oh crap, I was talking about .223, and you only have a .22. Forget about any mention of "might" above and replace it with "won't even". The rest stands.

Ah, but you forget:

My strength is the strength of ten, because my heart is pure,

God is my Co-Pilot, and

the watchword will be, "Don't fire 'til you see the reds of their eyes!"
DakotaYoda   02-23-2010, 06:43 PM
johntfs Wrote:Two things: Have Max Brooks come by as a guest star.

Could not have suggested a better idea... Jack and Zombies. I'd die a happy man after that. :cornut:
bjdotson   03-26-2010, 04:38 PM
I'd like to see a stronger link between Jack and the LaNague Chronicles then uncle gurney.
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