ImDeranged Wrote:Welcome Back Biggles,
So tell me, How did you get off the island this time?
Wapitikev Wrote:Yup, its Biggles alright. Put the polygraph away.
Biggles Wrote:Have all of you been good?
I hope not!
Scott Miller Wrote:I've been partying with Ben Roethlisberger-so definitely not! Good to see you on the board and I hope you and your clan is doing well.
Biggles Wrote:Tell Ben I said hi! He's no Terry Bradshaw yet (I dated Terry's first cousin, by marriage, for a while in the '70s, but I digress). My clan is fine, although both Ku and Klux have looked a bit pale lately.
Biggles Wrote:Have all of you been good?
I hope not!
KRW Wrote:Surpassing your expectations, but we need a few more pointers!