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ramblinman09   09-16-2009, 05:41 PM
Interested in the guns that Jack uses. In particular the 'Semmerling LM4' have found one for sale on-line and wondered if anyone (including Mr. Wilson) has used one and if so what do you think of it's performance?
DominusDeus   09-17-2009, 10:40 AM
I'd love to have one of the Semmerlings, unfortunately less than a thousand were made and are thus really expensive.

I'd settle for a Kel-Tec P-11 though.
t4terrific   09-17-2009, 11:47 AM
I'm interested in a compact 9mm. I was looking for a good price on a Kahr PM9. I know a guy who is selling a Kel Tec PF-9 pretty cheaply. I haven't seen it yet, but am interested to know how it compares to the Kahr. Is it similar to the Kel Tec P-11 other than the single stack magazine?
GunslingerAW   09-18-2009, 02:19 AM
If I carry a 9mm concealed I carry a Walther PPS. It carrys very well and accuracy is excelent. Also for how small a gun it is the recoil is minimal. As far as Jack's guns go I see no reason to carry a Glock 19. The Glock 17 is not much bigger and conceals just as well. This is just my opinion on the matter of Jack's guns. I personally don't think he sould have ever switch from a .45 to a 9mm, but so far the switch has worked well in all the stories.
Ken Valentine   09-18-2009, 02:35 PM
DominusDeus Wrote:I'd love to have one of the Semmerlings, unfortunately less than a thousand were made and are thus really expensive.
Yea, fewer than a thousand were made, but that was before Semmerling sold all the tooling and production rights to American Derringer Corp.

As far as I know, American Derringer (in Waco, Texas) is still producing them.

Ken V.
Al Meyer   09-18-2009, 02:41 PM
I am 43 years old and NEVER put a gun on my hand. :eek:

Nothing against who own one, BTW.
Bren10   09-18-2009, 06:42 PM
I'm a gun dealer... I gave American Derringer a call.

They make about 10 a year at a retail of $3850.

They are not sure if they will continue making them after the last 2 they are making of this batch. They are very labor intensive and well into the "custom gun" category.

Your local dealer will need to call AD directly as AD does not offer them through regular distribution channels. The retail margin on these is _much_ less than what dealers are used to, so you may have haggle a bit to get anything resembling MSRP.

BTW, They AD are stainless, rather than the straight steel of the originals.
Ken Valentine   09-18-2009, 07:11 PM
Bren10 Wrote:I'm a gun dealer... I gave American Derringer a call.

They make about 10 a year at a retail of $3850.

They are not sure if they will continue making them after the last 2 they are making of this batch. They are very labor intensive and well into the "custom gun" category.

Your local dealer will need to call AD directly as AD does not offer them through regular distribution channels. The retail margin on these is _much_ less than what dealers are used to, so you may have haggle a bit to get anything resembling MSRP.

BTW, They AD are stainless, rather than the straight steel of the originals.
As I understand it, they were made of some kind of tool steel. I can't imagine what kind of stainless they would make them from. 420-stainless would be the closest thing can think of.

And they're hand fitted, which is very labor-intensive.

I'm currently building a compensated 45 Commander, and it's taking quite a while to properly fit all the parts. It's not as complex as the Commander I built around ten years ago however. On that one, I did a "high diamond" checkering of the front strap and the mainspring housing. The checkering alone took 70 hours.

The gun is worth more than $4,000, but still. . . .

Ken V.
Yeratel   09-22-2009, 12:33 PM
Bren10 Wrote:I'm a gun dealer... I gave American Derringer a call.

They make about 10 a year at a retail of $3850.

They are not sure if they will continue making them after the last 2 they are making of this batch. They are very labor intensive and well into the "custom gun" category.
At all of the local gun shows I've been to, I've only ever seen one Semmerling for sale, and they wanted about $4,500 as the asking price. I hadn't read any RJ stories at that time, so I wasn't aware of the tie in.
It's a neat looking gun, very compact, but it cycles manually, so even if I'd had the money, I'd have preferred a compact semi-auto.
ramblinman09   09-26-2009, 12:32 AM
Hi Guys
I checked with American Derringer as well and nearly had a heart attack when they quoted the price! I've since decided to go with the "Micro Desert Eagle" it fits in your hand and pocket. Not as small as the simmerling LM4 but will do in a pinch. As to the guy who's "NEVER" had a gun in his hand. . . that is so sad. Fortunetly for you you've not been in a position where your life has been in danger or you would be carring some sort of self defence weapon. I ALWAYS carry several!
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