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swandy   08-13-2009, 05:55 PM
I believe it was The Keep. I always loved novels centered around WWII - must be from reading all those Jack Higgins/Harry Patterson thrillers - and the cover intrigued me. Have read just about everything published since then and now almost finished with everything preceeding it. (Only have The Select left of the medical thrillers.)

BTW - How was Artifact - the book Mr. Wilson co-wrote with Kevin Anderson and a few others? That is one of the few I have not gotten to yet. Thanks
Srem   08-13-2009, 10:18 PM
swandy Wrote:BTW - How was Artifact - the book Mr. Wilson co-wrote with Kevin Anderson and a few others? That is one of the few I have not gotten to yet. Thanks

No offense to F. Paul, but I honestly didn't really care for Artifact. The only co-authored book that I like so far is Nightkill with Steven Spruill, maybe because it reminds me of a Repairman Jack novel. But don't let my opinion stop you from reading it, Swandy; you may end up liking it.


Witchbreed Book of Dreams
Srem   08-13-2009, 10:23 PM
Wapitikev Wrote:Welcome, Tyler. You'll like it here.

Nice to see another board member that can give insomniacs like me a little company by posting at 12:24AM.

Harbingers was a violent work of art, as was the "Subway Saviour" scene in Hosts.

With those two as your intro to Jack, you had little choice but to become an addict.

Like us.

...or is that "a member of the Unity"



What gives, Wapitikev, no sharing with us newer members what your first FPW book was? I'll take a stab in the dark and say it was The Tomb.Wink


Witchbreed Book of Dreams
Silverfish   08-13-2009, 11:31 PM
swandy Wrote:BTW - How was Artifact - the book Mr. Wilson co-wrote with Kevin Anderson and a few others? That is one of the few I have not gotten to yet. Thanks

I liked it, but I could tell where authors shifted, despite the best efforts of Ms. Berliner. Even if it wasn't partially authored by Paul, I would still recommend it as a good light read.

Some more info is here (no spoilers). Be sure to read Paul's post (#3).


Abe's raised eyebrows caused furrows in his extended forehead. "Five in twelve hours?"
"Oh, and like you've never had a cranky day?"
KRW   08-14-2009, 01:22 AM
Silverfish Wrote:I liked it, but I could tell where authors shifted, despite the best efforts of Ms. Berliner. Even if it wasn't partially authored by Paul, I would still recommend it as a good light read.

Some more info is here (no spoilers). Be sure to read Paul's post (#3).

My dad moved to Arizona to find work and a few years later I followed him. He didn't own a t.v., so one night I picked up a book that was part of a five piece collection. "Mustang Man" by Louis L'Amour. I read it overnight. (Now don't get me wrong, I had read a lot of books by this time. But without t.v., books became a staple of life.) I tore through all of the "Sackett" books so we started going to used book stores for other fodder. A few weeks into this, I felt westerns were getting old so I wondered over to the horror section. I bought "The Keep" and "The Tomb" the same day and read them both that week. I loved "The Tomb" so much I pretty much read it every year. Easily my favorite book. Now, fast forward almost a decade and I have a computer. To my surprise, not only does FPW have a posting board, but he kept Jack alive and there are five more stories to read! That's my story... but I'm sure FPW must question my sanity because the first book I had him autograph was my original "The Tomb" paperback that had lost it's cover and even now is held together by rubber bands...........But he signed it.Smile
Ken Valentine   08-14-2009, 01:43 AM
Silverfish Wrote:I liked it, but I could tell where authors shifted, despite the best efforts of Ms. Berliner. Even if it wasn't partially authored by Paul, I would still recommend it as a good light read.

Some more info is here (no spoilers). Be sure to read Paul's post (#3).
To me, one thing which stood out in ARTIFACT was a scene where "the boat reared back like Trigger in the Lone Ranger movie." Or something very close to that. I thought FPW certainly didn't write that part.

Trigger was Roy Rogers' horse. The Lone Rangers horse was named Silver. Big Grin

Ken V.
Srem   08-15-2009, 01:45 AM
KRW Wrote:That's my story... but I'm sure FPW must question my sanity because the first book I had him autograph was my original "The Tomb" paperback that had lost it's cover and even now is held together by rubber bands...........

That sounds like the same thing I went through with my original copy of The Tomb. It had been my hope for some time to eventually have it signed by Paul, until it met a grisly fate.Sad
Now I guess I will have to have my second most sentimental FPW novel signed instead, that being Nightworld.Smile


Witchbreed Book of Dreams
murelz   08-16-2009, 09:46 AM
Well for me it started about two months ago. But I have to go back further. Around March or so, I was feeling unhappy with my current reading. I wasn't seeing anything new that I wanted to read and my bookshelves are lined with books I've read hundreds of times before. I needed something to get me going again, to rekindle the reading flame. So I was browsing in my local bookstore and noticed some of the Dresden files books on an endcap. I remembered the TV show and thought well it was horrible, so the book must be great. So I grabbed the first one and fell down a black hole. After I finished Turn Coat I was at another loss as to what to read. So I started searching on the web and ran across a site talking about the Dresden books and saying if you liked them try some of these. One of the first suggestions was the RJ series. The name just jumped out and hit me like something striking me between the eyes.

So I wiki'd RJ and yep there's the series of books. So I tracked down a copy of The Keep and was lost in oblivion. Haven't really came back. That started around the end of June. Since then I've finished all the RJ novels, started on the Adversary Novels and managed to fit in Midnight Mass. I've got a fair helping of some in ebook format and I'm hoping to track down a copy of Reprisal and Nightworld soon, as I'll probably finish Reborn today or tomorrow.

But yeah it's funny seeing as how much I've read through the years across a wide range of genres, I'd never once heard about or paid attention to an FPW novel. I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad one, this has probably been the best summer of reading I've ever had, but it took me so long to find the author. Ying and Yang right?

But yeah FPW has ended up on my choice bookself. Along with RAH, Piers Anthony, and a smattering of other books. Thanks Mr. Wilson, sorry it took me so long to get here, but I'm here for good.

The funny thing about the flamethrower is at some place and some point in time, someone looked at something and thought, "Hey, I'd really like to set that on fire, but it's too far away."
cobalt   08-16-2009, 09:56 AM
Welcome Murelz, you'll like it here. I beat Wap to your welcome....sorry Wap!
One thing you'll find here..besides a group of people with a common love of FPW's board full of great people. Ask a'll get your answer...sometimes from The Man himself.

murelz   08-16-2009, 10:02 AM
cobalt79 Wrote:Welcome Murelz, you'll like it here. I beat Wap to your welcome....sorry Wap!
One thing you'll find here..besides a group of people with a common love of FPW's board full of great people. Ask a'll get your answer...sometimes from The Man himself.
Thanks cobalt, I've noticed that this seems like a pretty tight knit community here while I was trolling. And the frequency that The Man posts and interacts with the members, well I've just never seen an author so accessible to his fans.

The funny thing about the flamethrower is at some place and some point in time, someone looked at something and thought, "Hey, I'd really like to set that on fire, but it's too far away."
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