cobalt79 Wrote:Some strange way to make a "mistake" and die.
kep: Just sayin'
Not really. According to, around 200 people die this way every year in Britain alone. Article here:
What generally happens in the case of death is that the strangulation causes people to pass out and they continue being strangled by whatever they're using until they die. Unfortuately, people using strangulation devices falsely believe that if they faint, the device will loosen. When that doesn't happen, they die.
Since he's a doctor in addtion to being a pretty awesome writer, I imagine that FPW can confirm the details of the situation.
fpw Wrote:Didn't the guy from INXS do the same?
Yep. And the Snopes article mentioned a British Member of Parliment, Stephen Milligan, who perished the same way, though he was also wearing women's stockings and had an orange in his mouth.