Ft13 isn't my genre. But I did see at least part of one where it was like Freddy vs. Carrie (telekinetic). My cousin got me to see one that was scifi (with one of the women being an android who seemed as immune to dying as Jason was

). And I went to see FvJ simply to laugh at it (it didn't disappoint).
Overall, my impression is that Jason is the bogeyman that goes after teens that have sex and lose their sobriety. Just like in so many of those urban legends of horror. You break the moral mores and Jason gets you. This was pretty blatant to me in all that I saw, but it got downright emphatic about it as Jason comes out of hibernation or something right as 2 are having sex on a spaceship (it was like it was obviously connected as the scenes kept changing from the teens getting off to Jason regaining consciousness). So I'd imagine any movie with him would feature that stuff going on pretty intensely, especially if the body count is to be especially high.
To us he may be horror/slasher, but I wonder if the Taliban wouldn't think him more a superhero rather than a bogeyman. :p
It also seems to me that most of Jason's victims weren't very sympathetic, being a bunch of shallow jerks. My memory is vague on that, and I seem to be confusing at least a little of it with Kamp Krusty from The Simpsons. :o
I found FvJ mildly interesting in its contrast, because the theme from NoES flicks seems to be more about the evil of adults, the secrets they keep (and dread their children ever finding out), and not being able to depend on people like your parents for help (in fact, you'd best run from them). Mixing that with the Talibanish Jason who went after them for drinking/drugging & having sex (at least unofficially) was a mildly interesting mix of bogeymen to me.