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colburn0004   02-19-2009, 09:14 PM
Brian Wrote:[quote=colburn0004] ben kneeling in front of Locke fixing the noose?????/QUOTE]

Was that Ben in front of Locke as he was about to hang himself?

From what I can tell it was. Unless it was misleading with Ben's voice over the clip saying something like "You are more important than you know." But I thought it looked like ben.

I agree Des will go back but the question is why and for what? It would seem like ben being beat up would have something to do with it, plus there is the whole revenge angle with Whidmore and bens "daughter" being killed. so would him killing penny be for revenge or to get des back to the island? That is to say IF he did it.

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Alvin Fox   02-21-2009, 05:54 AM
Okay, I've got a few things and might ramble on or repeat some of what's already been said.

First, who knows their bible verses? John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Mix John Locke, the episode title/ flight number (316) and Locke's suicide note "I wish you had believed." So this seems to really be slanting towards a religious outcome. Or maybe it's all imagery.

I don't think the plane to Guam crashed but there are some other things to point out. During the time skips when Locke and Co. get back to the beach and find everything at the camp in shambles because some time has passed they find the boat with an Ajira Air bottle in it. Could it be at least 3 years passed and those were people from flight 316? If so, who did Juliet shoot while they were paddling around they island?

I don't think the plane crashed because there was the hum and the flash of light. I think only those involved with the island went back in time to the late 70's, early 80's. That would be Lapedus, Jack, Kate, Hurley, Ben, Sun, Sayid and the two other people in first class. The pilot and everyone in first class just suddenly disappeared off of the plane in midflight. But their time skip isn't in sync with everyone else's. Because Jin is now with Dharma as is Faraday from the first episode this season. But it seems like they've been infiltrating for awhile. So Jin didn't just skip to that point where he found Jack, Kate and Hurley. Now it does seem like it could be Hurley reading the numbers when Russo gets to the island.

Also, 815 crashed because Desmond was late in pressing the button that one time. No button when 316 flew over.

Finally, something random and a little eerie. Ben's line. "How can you read?" "My mother taught me." Is that sarcasm or an actual plot point? Ben's mom died in childbirth. Grrragh!
Brian   02-21-2009, 02:12 PM
I'm still confused as to how the O6 ended up back on the island. But the biblical reference and the flight number of the plane is either a coincidence or another clue to batter my brain. :dontknow:

There is no wise man without fault
colburn0004   02-21-2009, 02:48 PM
AlvinFox Wrote:Okay, I've got a few things and might ramble on or repeat some of what's already been said.

First, who knows their bible verses? John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Mix John Locke, the episode title/ flight number (316) and Locke's suicide note "I wish you had believed." So this seems to really be slanting towards a religious outcome. Or maybe it's all imagery.

I don't think the plane to Guam crashed but there are some other things to point out. During the time skips when Locke and Co. get back to the beach and find everything at the camp in shambles because some time has passed they find the boat with an Ajira Air bottle in it. Could it be at least 3 years passed and those were people from flight 316? If so, who did Juliet shoot while they were paddling around they island?

I don't think the plane crashed because there was the hum and the flash of light. I think only those involved with the island went back in time to the late 70's, early 80's. That would be Lapedus, Jack, Kate, Hurley, Ben, Sun, Sayid and the two other people in first class. The pilot and everyone in first class just suddenly disappeared off of the plane in midflight. But their time skip isn't in sync with everyone else's. Because Jin is now with Dharma as is Faraday from the first episode this season. But it seems like they've been infiltrating for awhile. So Jin didn't just skip to that point where he found Jack, Kate and Hurley. Now it does seem like it could be Hurley reading the numbers when Russo gets to the island.

Also, 815 crashed because Desmond was late in pressing the button that one time. No button when 316 flew over.

Finally, something random and a little eerie. Ben's line. "How can you read?" "My mother taught me." Is that sarcasm or an actual plot point? Ben's mom died in childbirth. Grrragh!

I completely agree with you on pretty much everything. When I saw the title I was thinking about John 316 the whole time but I didn't know the actual scripture. I saw them getting back on the island as just them being in the islands window and they just went along on the time hop. The only thing I dont understand is how they arent dead. When the others time traveled they were in the same spot they were in wouldnt they have fallen far from the sky? But if they time traveled i think there would be inconsistancies as to why they would have a water bottle from the flight unless the plane wrecked. I doubt any of them would hold a water bottle with that turbulance.

On a side note. Does anyone think they got back to the island too quickly? I thought the whole season was suppost to be them trying to go back to the island but I don't know.

"Sanity? Worthless things like that, I never had them for as long as I can remember!"
Alvin Fox   02-21-2009, 03:22 PM
Who knows maybe the next several episodes will all take place prior to them getting back on the island. There's Locke's episode next week, what happened with Kate and Aaron, Ben's beating (at the hands of Desmond before/after Ben hung up his loose thread of killing Penny), if Sayid got arrested for all of those murders why he's being taken to Guam, who told Hurley to be on that plane, mystery guy sitting across from Hurley, Faraday and everyone else's times with Dharma. Maybe the show's trying to get back to showing flashbacks instead of telling a straight story.
Medusa   02-21-2009, 05:12 PM
What I am wondering is that since all 6 didn't return what effect will that have. Wasn't Aaron one of the 6? Jack, Kate, Sun, Sayid, Hurley, & Aaron - weren't those the 6? If so, I wonder why no one is concerned about Aaron not going back.

The Snake Lady from Texas!
cobalt   02-21-2009, 06:13 PM
Medusa Wrote:What I am wondering is that since all 6 didn't return what effect will that have. Wasn't Aaron one of the 6? Jack, Kate, Sun, Sayid, Hurley, & Aaron - weren't those the 6? If so, I wonder why no one is concerned about Aaron not going back.
I was thinking that there are substitutes. Mrs Hawkings said that they needed to re-create the circumstances of the original flight. Locke's dead body vs Jack's father Christian. Sayed with a female Marshal vs Kate and a male Marshal. Maybe the unknown guy is a substitute for Aaron....or Ben is Aaron's substitute.
But I wonder where and when Sayed, Ben and Sun landed. Are they together?
Lots of questions....hopefully we'll get some answers.

Alvin Fox   02-22-2009, 11:51 AM
How about another substitute-

Pregnant Kate instead of pregnant Claire.
Brian   02-22-2009, 12:15 PM
AlvinFox Wrote:How about another substitute-

Pregnant Kate instead of pregnant Claire.

I never thought about that, an interesting twist.

There is no wise man without fault
Maggers   02-22-2009, 02:08 PM
AlvinFox Wrote:Something crazy/weird that I saw in another forum was Penny and Desmond's son, Charlie. With all of the jumping around in time, and with Penny, Desmond and Charlie presumably on their way back to the island, is it possible for Desmond's son Charlie to grow up in the past and become either Charlie Pace or Charles Widmore? That's Penny's dad Charles.

I don't see how that could be. We've seen way too many explicit back stories for Charlie and his mom and dad. His dad was a butcher. His mom gave him the piano. We know his brother, his brother's wife, his niece. We know a lot of very specific information about Charlie, almost more than any other character on the show.

And from what Daniel Faraday as said, you can't change the past. I don't think the author of LOST would make things THAT convoluted. Things are convoluted enough.

In naming his son Charlie, I think Desmond was simply honoring his friend who gave his life, which, among other things, allowed Desmond and Penny to find each other.

Reading is freedom.
The mind soars, no earthly cares,
no limitations.
A Maggers Haiku, 2005

Years ago my mother used to say to me... "In this world, Elwood, you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant."
Well, for years I was smart.
I recommend pleasant.
You may quote me.

Elwood P. Dowd

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